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My theory...

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posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 10:43 AM
It's not that hard to blow up a building. We ALL know that it was the government. Why can't people believe this? Look, if you take a plane, but a nuke in it and fly it into a building, what do you think will happen. It's going to explode and destroy the building. If you fly a little airliner jet into a building, what's going to happen? It will break a few windows maybe, and then they'll just have a plane sitting in an office building. No harm done.

I'm going to post my theory on this. Tony Blair was the mastermind behind this. And I know it sounds dumb to you, but you have to listen. The planes that were flown into the World Trade Center were American planes. American parts, American everything. America and the United Kingdom are both in the Anglosphere, meaning that our planes are similar to theirs. Very similar. British people know how to fly our planes. We know how to fly theirs. Middle Eastern people don't know how to fly our planes. They aren't in the Anglosphere. They have weird planes. They don't know how to fly our planes.

Then who was it? Someone had to have flown the planes into the WTC. It wasn't an American. No American would do that to their own country. I've come to believe that it was the English behind this, and bear with me, I'm going to explain it. The British were once the rulers of the world. They owned most of it. Over time, they've lost control of all of their colonies, including the United States, which has become it's most powerful former colony. All the United Kingdom has now is an island in the British Isles. They have almost nothing of what they used to have.

They want it back. And the way to do this: weaken your target. By flying into and destroying our most important building, they pretty much destroyed our country for days, and months even. We were heartbroken. We were devastated. We were terrified. It was the perfect time to attack us and retake control. But they didn't. And why the British didn't attack, I will never know. I have a few ideas as to what made them no attack, but who knows if they're true? I'm thinking that the UN threatened them and told them that many negative consequences would happen if they attacked.

What are your thoughts?

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 10:49 AM
That is genius! The best 9/11 conspiracy to date. but if England is preoccupied planning these "War games." with the U.S. Then that make the perfect time for us to strike! We can fly a whole slew of suicide bombers into the U.K, and destroy them all right now if we wanted to. But why don't we? Ohh I forgot we are in a war that we started that shouldn't even be happening right now.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by MadMax8511

Look, if you take a plane, but (sic) a nuke in it and fly it into a building, what do you think will happen.

It would destroy more than just the building it was flown into . Most , if not all of Mannhattan , would have been destroyed , even with a low-level nuke .

Middle Eastern people don't know how to fly our planes ... They have weird planes. They don't know how to fly our planes.

1. Wrong , they do know how to fly our planes .

2. What kind of weird planes do they have ? Do you have photos of their weird planes ?

3. See #1 above .

And I know it sounds dumb to you,

Yes , it does .

No American would do that to their own country.

No , Americans did not fly the planes into those targets , I agree with that . But , that's not to say that there are not any radical Americans who would "do that to their own country" . See Murrah Federal Building , Oklahoma City, Oklahoma .

edit on 13-1-2011 by okbmd because: eta

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 10:58 AM


posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by MadMax8511
We ALL know that it was the government.

Except all those who don't.

Why can't people believe this? Look, if you take a plane, but a nuke in it and fly it into a building, what do you think will happen.

The Whole of Manhatten island and then some would have been wasn't.

If you fly a little airliner jet into a building, what's going to happen? It will break a few windows maybe, and then they'll just have a plane sitting in an office building. No harm done.

Tell that to the families of the office workers killed.

And "airliner jets" are not little.

I'm going to post my theory on this. Tony Blair was the mastermind behind this. And I know it sounds dumb to you,

You have no idea how dumb....

The planes that were flown into the World Trade Center were American planes. American parts, American everything. America and the United Kingdom are both in the Anglosphere, meaning that our planes are similar to theirs. Very similar. British people know how to fly our planes. We know how to fly theirs. Middle Eastern people don't know how to fly our planes. They aren't in the Anglosphere. They have weird planes. They don't know how to fly our planes.

ALL american passengers? And what EXACTLY is "wierd" about middle eastern planes, I'd love to hear your expert opinion.

The British were once the rulers of the world. They owned most of it. Over time, they've lost control of all of their colonies, including the United States,

How do you know they still don't have control?

It was the perfect time to attack us and retake control. But they didn't. And why the British didn't attack, I will never know.

You seem to know everything else.

What are your thoughts?

I think you just got added to my "rivals" list for being completely thick.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:02 AM
I'm sorry but your theory just doesn't add up.

Do you think terrorists make airplanes? Of course not. It's called the black market or they are usually provided with aircraft by larger countries.

The nuke in the plane? Come on man.. it would have leveled the city.

What about the jetfuel? I think you forgot about the thousands of gallons that lit up upon impact..

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by QuidEstVerita

That is genius! The best 9/11 conspiracy to date.

You don't get out much , do you ? This is right up there with holograms and shape-shifting space aliens from the dark side of the moon .

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by MadMax8511
What are your thoughts?

My thoughts are that it's less credible that "controlled demolitions" or "lasers from outer space"...but more credible than "secret cults of Satan worshipping numerologists" or "shape shifting alien reptiles".

...but what the heck, none of the other explanations for this "blatantly a conspiracy" have even a microbe of proof to back their claims up so your claim is no more or less absurd than they are.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by okbmd
reply to post by QuidEstVerita

That is genius! The best 9/11 conspiracy to date.

You don't get out much , do you ? This is right up there with holograms and shape-shifting space aliens from the dark side of the moon .

As much as I agree with you, it's still the case that if this time next year this guy is making a bundle from selling, "Tony Blair Knew!" t-shirts, he's going to have the last laugh.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 01:43 PM

Middle Eastern people don't know how to fly our planes. They aren't in the Anglosphere. They have weird planes. They don't know how to fly our planes.

Just where do they build their 'weird' planes???

Maybe Seattle or Europe perhaps?

This is on par with the other theories.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
...but what the heck, none of the other explanations for this "blatantly a conspiracy" have even a microbe of proof to back their claims up so your claim is no more or less absurd than they are.

What other "microbe of proof" would you need than this Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe report. That clearly shows there's enough "microbe[s] of proof" out there to question the official narrative.

The accusation that these conspiracy "theories" are unprovable is bunk, the people don't have the right information to arm themselves against the NIST official narrative!

The problem with conspiracy theory *debunkers* is that it's all too easy for them to slosh all Truthers into the "crazies" bin. To speak of the OP's theory, I think it contains elements that may of contributed to the events on 9/11. For quite a while now we've been getting reports of corporations here in America selling to both sides of a war/conflict; sometimes ones that America are involved in!!

For instance, one would need samples of corporate/military grade "super"-thermite to determine who/what caused these particles to be everywhere in the WTC dust? My point is that with any great conspiracy there are many MANY moving parts and special compartmentalization.
edit on 13-1-2011 by igigi because: .

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by MadMax8511

Ridiculous, and that's putting it nicely.

Those are my thoughts.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by MadMax8511

hi. interesting theory, as a brit my self, i can see were your coming from. we are all mad as hatter's. ye i think we would like are empire back. just look at are history, we were not decent chapies, infact we were a nation of robbing, murdering, dictating, bastards. so dont let us take over again. you know what they say, mad dogs and english men.
edit on 16-1-2011 by Gary13 because: removed the word 'the' from a sentence, i made a error.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by MadMax8511


This is going to start to really annoy me. Another thread by a new comer that’s just rubbish. At least its something new I suppose, and it was reasonably short.

It’s really easy to debunk however, you have no evidence.

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