posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by CitizenAlpha
I can't tell you what to think but I can tell you based on my experience with people functioning at varying degrees of mental health, there are three
basic conditions to consider when evaluating material and people on a site like ATS.
There is the condition of those we call the "sheeple" who don't question much of anything and take nearly all the world around them at face value.
To them there are no dots to be seen or connected.
There is the middle ground generally well represented here on ATS, where the people see the dots that could be connected. They are mentally healthy
enough to lucidly, rationally and articulately consider all the evidence to decide if the dots should be connected. If the evidence isn't there, they
keep an open mind and go on.
And then there are those who fall into the unfortunate fringe that taints the reputation of the lucid middle grounders. They see the dots and become
obsessed with connecting them to the point that if they lack reasonable evidence, their malfunctioning minds will manufacture the evidence out of
sheer delusion. They tend not to be able to articulate their thoughts in a straightforward manner. They insist they have special knowledge or
exclusive means of obtaining knowledge. Against their special omniscience there is no room for measured and reasoned argument or debate. They try to
make their "insights" seem more important by cloaking them in very convoluted terms.
It seems like a part of human nature that we all fit into all three categories at various times in our lives, according to age, health, stress,
perspective, etc. It's when a person starts dwelling almost exclusively in the third category that I would hope we as a community of responsible
adults urge that person to seek professional help. I believe unfortunately that JLL ended up dwelling in the third category. I'm sorry nobody here
was able to get through to him, but I'm glad to hear somebody at least tried.
If you believe there are dots to be connected in JLL's writings by all means examine them, but try to do so in the manner of a person in category
two. Stay grounded.