posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 01:37 AM
most of the Sheeple in this Country would never even think to question the Government's action's, and how sad is that really? Our Nation was founded
bye a group of men who questioned there Governments Actions.
And dont get me wrong i agree with Almost Every Law on the books, we cant have people just walking around Killing those who look at them funny,
Bye the People, For the People, This Country was built on the broken backs of our Mothers and Fathers, Daughters and Sons.
I love My country and would never want to live anywhere else, But why doesnt our Government take care of its own, but will send thousands to their
deaths for another Countries problems that do not concern us, As long as they present a global risk like Hitlers crazy ass, why bother? focus on the
United States Of America.
Make sure every one that pays taxes and gives back to the country is provided for in the form of free heathcare, free education, free housing, free
food, and Our Government would be the strongest Nation of all time with Citizens willing to Die without a thought for their Country, i would almost
bet on it......