posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 05:43 AM
Well, it's official. I witnessed my first encounter with chemtrails today. I never really doubted all the people out there that have talked and
warned about them. I saw theirs and all your pictures, so it seemed real to me. But when you actually see them being made before your eyes (or above
your eyes), it hits home just a bit more!!!
Here I am today, working for my grandparents outside on their rather new and large property, (have been all summer) and I look up in the sky sometime
in the morning (don't know why, I just like to look all around me sometimes) and noticed a clear blue sky and a couple of "contrails." So there was
nothing to really think of. Later in the day, I look up again and there are many "contrails" across the sky and I see a few jets flying across
parallel to the trails. Some of the trails had spread out very far and sort of puffed up and out. The newer ones were still thin. This caught my
attention because I recognized this as a sign of what everyone talks about when they talk about chemtrails.
So I just sat down and watched the sky, sort of mesmerized. I watched how the jets or whatever they are made pass after pass after pass back and
forth. I'm not sure whether it was like 2 or 3 that kept going back and forth, or if it was many that each made only one pass. This was all very very
high up by the way. And I sit there for about an hour just watching this happen. More and more trails are made by the jets in rows. And eventually
they all expanded in a very strange way. They didn't disperse as they spread. It's like they grew. Well, not like. They DID grow. Major expansion.
And the clear sky from earlier was being completely covered by these trails until the sky was all gray.
Here's the real kicker. For all of you who would still say "oh, it's just contrails, nothing weird!" Well, I say that during this whole experience
and observence of mine, one or two jets I noticed passed by and made trails, but these were different. These couple of jets' trails lasted for a few
seconds and for a short distance behind them, and then just dispersed just like you expect them to do. So these jets must have been your usual planes.
So you can't say that it's just the atmosphere at the certain time and about the temp and the moisture and all that crap. Those two planes flew
through the EXACT same atmosphere as all the others did, and they didn't leave behind whole fricking growing CLOUDS! Plus, I'd never seen so much
air traffic over one little space before. I mean, at any given time, I could look up and see 3 or more jets up there doing their thing (whatever it
is). I live in eastern Iowa and there are no major cities or airports around. So what the heck?????
Another thing (just stating as possibility) is that, during the day, before I noticed what was going on, I started feeling weak, and my legs and arms
started trembling a little. I developed a minor headache and minor queasiness to my stomach. My cousin left early (she's working with me) because
she didn't feel well. Is this possibly due to the trails? It could also be coincidence, but even so, the trails alone are strange in their own
I'm not saying this is the first time this has ever happened in my area, but only the first time I've noticed this. Man! Anyone else who live in my
region see this happen at all????