Debunking documentL
Facts: Yes, the Federal Reserve banks are privately owned, but they are controlled by the publically-appointed Board of Governors. The Federal Reserve
banks merely execute the monetary policy choices made by the Board.
Clarification from the Federal Reserve:
The seven members of the Board of Governors are nominated by the President of the United States and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. By law, the
appointments must yield a "fair representation of the financial, agricultural, industrial, and commercial interests and geographical divisions of the
Given that we've had a Bush in the White House since 1980 (8 yrs of Clinton, ok, but he followed the same policies only from the left and he and Poppy
are best buds). Even into Obama, the same fiscal policies are enacted. Given the close relationship between the Federal Government and Goldman Sachs
it seems the President may have a fly in his ear on decisions that would affect the private bankers that own the Fed. If the President appoints the
Governors and he nominates the Treasury Secretary, lets look at the highlights of those:
Tim Geithner: Worked for Kissinger and Associates, CFR, Bilderberg membership
Hank Paulson: served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs
Paul O"Neill: chairman and CEO of industrial giant Alcoa and chairman of the RAND Corporation
Robert Rubin: spent 26 years at Goldman Sachs after he was Director and Senior Counselor of Citigroup and temporary chair for a few months
Nicholas Brady: has been a Director of the NCR Corporation, the MITRE Corporation, trustee of Rockefeller Univ.CFR member
James Baker III: So much has been written about the Bushes and the Bakers but one highlight: Until 2005 he was senior counsel to the Carlyle Group
Don Regan: Involved in Iran-Contra, vice chair of the NY Stock Exchange 73-75, major proponent of brokerage firms going public
G. William Miller: 11th Chairman of the Federal Reserve
William Simon: "active" Knight of Malta, on the boards of over 30 companies incl. Xerox, Citibank, & Halliburton
George Schultz: executive at Bechtel, senior member of the so-called "The Vulcans", a group of policy mentors for Bush which also included among its
members Dick Cheney andPaul Wolfowitz
John Connally: insisted that Nixon name Bush to a post in the administration as a pre-condition for Connally's agreeing to become treasury
David Kennedy (Mormon not Catholic): CEO of Continental Illinois Ntl. Bank and Trust Co. at one time the 7th-largest bank in the US as measured by
Henry Fowler: was at one point member of the National Security Council.
C Douglas Dixon: A close friend of John D. Rockefeller III, chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation from 1972 to 1975. served under Nelson Rockefeller
in the Rockefeller Commission to investigate CIA activities (along with Ronald Reagan). had been chairman of the Brookings Institution,and vice
chairman of the CFR
Robert Anderson: Deputy Secretary of the Navy and as Special Ambassador to Panama during the Panama Canal negotiations, illegally operated the
Commercial Exchange Bank of Anguilla, British W Indies, which had an unlicensed New York branch office and laundered large amounts of cash for drug
traffickers. Sentenced to prison in 87.
And that's going back to Eisenhower. I think the point makes itself in terms of whose interests this Board of Governors serves. I got hung up on that
and didn't read any more. Pure propaganda.
edit on 11-1-2011 by coyotepoet because: editing
edit on 11-1-2011 by coyotepoet because: (no reason
edit on 11-1-2011 by coyotepoet because: formatting
edit on 11-1-2011 by coyotepoet because: