posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 01:46 PM
This Romanek case is very interesting. I was not aware of it before. I do recall seeing something on TV a while back with the "peeping tom" alien.
But that's all I knew. I haven't read his book yet, but I did watch all 10 parts of his lecture vid, and found it very interesting. Comparing his
case with the Meier case, while the Meier case is very interesting, it does seem very fakey, and in many of not most instances have been proven to be
fake, though I still like his Beamship photos, I think Meier's case has outlandish circus appeal, and yes, I "enjoy" it myself, though I do doubt
it's truthfullness. But, this Romanek case seems like we might have something real here, and with as much "evidence" if not more than what the
Meier case claims. Now, I did see some threads about Romanek being a hoaxer, but verbal claims of that do not make it so, we all know how Meier's
"evidence" was debunked item by item, has this been done with the Romanek case as well? I haven't seen it, and it seems like it might be the real
deal here.