Hello all
I am posting to ask a question about meditation, specifically related to the upcoming events and was hoping for some feedback and advice from
experienced/knowing people who use meditation.
I started my journey a few months ago and feel as if I may be waking up, or trying to. I decided to start meditating after realising what was going on
and wanting to better my self and hopefully discover who I really am. I found sahaja yoga quite by chance and decided to give it a go as it seemed to
resonate and fit with the journey I am on. I have mentioned it in a number of posts and recently a few people have mentioned that it might not be such
a good idea.
I am looking for other peoples feedback and advice on sahaja yoga and what other types of meditation might be better. i have had some amazing results
from this type of meditation but don't want to waste my time going down the wrong road or indeed giving my energy away to some false guru type.
Here is a list of some of the things I have experienced (before and after awakening my kundalini, but much more after) in my short time meditating (as
describes in another recent thread):
After meditating I feel warm inside for hours, not just feel warm but am warm...example: I can go downstairs and sit in a tee-shirt when my wife and
children are cold because the heating hasn't come on yet, and be warm for hours.
I also get hot flushes where I sweat a lot and sometimes wake up drenched in sweat,although this bit has been happening for years
I get what feels like energy shooting up my spine (mainly when thinking on all I have discovered over the last 6 months but not alweys), giving me the
shivers...the only thing I can relate it too is rushing on ecstasy as I used to when younger whilest at raves and clubs (lol those were the days!)
I feel calm and compassionate like never before
I feel emotional and cry quite a lot, not bad emotional, good emotional
I have vivid dreams, one recently about unlocking an old door that stayed with me for days
I don't worry any more
I (most of the time) really do love everyone
and for me one of the biggest ones is I feel a cool breeze coming from my palms and the top of my head after meditating!
I reach thoughtless awareness
and finally I bloody love this world, this life
edit on 10-1-2011 by doubledutch because: (no reason given)