posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 08:47 PM
Assuming we can all agree that any alien species that is advanced enough to have mastered faster than light travel must be millions, if not billions
of years more advanced than us....
That being said, exactly what do we have to offer such an advanced species? We would have nothing in common or anything of interest to them. They
probably wouldn't even want to waste time to study us, any more than we would stop on a sidewalk to get to know the ants crawling around.
Of course one could surmise that they would want to either study us, or be interested in us just because we are both "intelligent" sentient species,
and that alone merits interest in getting to know us, but again, remember how much more advanced they are than us, it is arrogant of us to think that
they even think we do, have similar morals that we do. Remember that ants and bees are very "intelligent" and have social structures and interactions,
yet we don't care about their well being except for what they can give us (honey, balancing the insect ecosystem).
All that being said, it would seem to be that the only thing that "we" (humanity) has to offer a highly-advanced alien race is the resources of "our"
planet. We know that that planets that exist in the "goldilocks" zone, where liquid water can exist and other factors which can support advanced life
forms, are few and far between. So, perhaps the reason that UFO's are spotted but the aliens do not make contact are for the same reason that we do
not talk to honeybees, we have no interest in trying to communicate with them, we simply want to take what they have (honey).
In other words, advanced alien life would probably just want to pillage our planet for its resources, or to exterminate the "pests" that are currently
destroying it, so that they could use it for themselves, or just to preserve it for a race that doesn't bite the hand that feeds it.
edit on
11-1-2011 by Blazer because: (no reason given)