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A Measure of Media Bias

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posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 07:57 PM
I have just read the most thought provoking study on media bias I have ever seen.

CBS news more liberal than Joe Biden?

Fox News Special Report just slightly right of the median member of The House of Representatives?

Yes and yes!

Other news organizations with a bias closer to the average democrat in Congress than the average member of Congress:

ABC World News Tonight
NBC Nightly News
Los Angeles Times
New York Times
USA Today

Even The Drudge Report will surprise you.

Now before you flame me, read the study. The authors use a very original way to find their results. A background in statistics is useful, though hardly necessary, in reading the study. The one thing I would have liked to see that wasn�t there was CNN. They should have been included.

Remember, before you flame, read.

Take a look:

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 11:56 PM
This is what my gut feelings tell me...

As far as cable TV goes, Fox News is the home of conservatives, and CNN is the home of liberals.

As for the TV networks (as in the nightly news & their news shows, like "20/20" and "60 Minutes"), ABC is very far left, CBS is left, and NBC seems neutral to me most of the time...

I've never read a newspaper that wasn't liberal. Especially from New York, Los Angeles, or Chicago.

Magazines are a mixed bag. There are far too many examples to name off, but a few that come to mind are Newsweek and U.S. News, which both seem pretty neutral to me, and Time, which is way left.

Most radio talk show hosts are conservative; however, many seem to be honest conservatives who hold to their personal ideals, and aren't afraid to critize, no matter who they'd upset. (Michael Savage and Rusty Humpheries, for example, go after Bush all the time. Though both still think that Kerry would be 10 times worse than Bush on his worst days.)

The Internet is literally everywhere on the spectrum at once. Pick your flavor, no matter how sweet or how foul! Everyone from the KKK to the Heaven's Gate Cult has been on the Internet at one time or another (just two random examples of extremes of the spectrum, of course)...

...Again, those are just my gut feelings.

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 06:16 PM
u fools! they all serve the same purpose. when will u learn to stop taking sides right left it doesnt matter. arguing about who has wat views is irrelevent. they will still only divulge the information that they think we need to know and they will never give anti american news which would be just about everything going on in the world besides what they show us!


posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by kogigaiden
u fools! they all serve the same purpose.

Wake me up when you find a pro people network. I'll wait till I hear from you before turning on my television.

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by kogigaiden
u fools! they all serve the same purpose. when will u learn to stop taking sides right left it doesnt matter. arguing about who has wat views is irrelevent. they will still only divulge the information that they think we need to know and they will never give anti american news which would be just about everything going on in the world besides what they show us!

How do you know you're not the one being fooled?

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 08:31 PM
They all have a SLIME BUCKET BIAS, and NO journalistic integrity.
Where was ANY of the US media when child prostitution in the whitehouse was taking place?
When the US military was responsible for war crimes in Afghanistan where was the US media?
When Cheney is facing a Nigerian bribery indictment and being investigated by the SEC, they only reported that he cursed at Sen. Patrick Leahy,

Even PBS where I hear things you don't hear on broadcast hasn't reported any of these.

Trust me the media is doing no one any favors. There are few if any independant media outlets that tell you ALL the stories, especially the ugly politically sensitive ones.

You will remember when the FCC for months was considering rule changes you never heard that on ANY COMMERICAL BROADCAST. I only knew about it because of PBS.

Don't expect your TV to tell you anything but a carefully culled version of the 'truth'. And I use the term VERY loosly.

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 12:19 AM
Ive always thought that these corporations tend to lean toward the views of those who own them.

I mean could you imagine Fox New's Owner Rupert Murdoch having an extreme liberal Editor and Management? I don't think he would allow that to happen. I know if I was an owner of a TV station, I as a Liberal, would not want any sort of Neo-Conservative viewpoints (since I would own the station), but would want something in the middle that would lean Left.

I think this Liberal Bias in media is bunk... most stations seem to be owned by those on the right and tend to have views favoring their owners

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 03:13 PM
I dunno about the way they defined center. It set the center by the House of Representatives. It is saying A>B>C>D>E...a is more liberal than b...but B is more liberal than C...C is obviously the median. There is NO concrete center. It changes every year...normally. Say in four years, the USA has a huge liberal uprising and they control the House. When they would do this type of research again, B may be the center of the political spectrum. Thus, it shifts Fox News to the far right and those other news programs more toward the center. There needs to be a concrete CENTER that cannot be changed due to new congressman.

And this definition of center makes the right wing view more toward the center because the House is "controlled" by Republicans, who typically lean toward right wing ideals.

Perhaps, I am reading it all wrong. I dunno, I haven't had to take many stat courses.

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