reply to post by capod2t
__Here's my struggle. Is there a kink in my faith which is reflected in my physical preparation, or am I simply taking heed to the signs being shown
me? Is my faith weak because I am preparing in other ways?__
You asked and I am allowed to answer. I say “allowed” for I had to check in with my GodCore to find if the information would interfere with your
path. If the answer were “no” I would not be writing. The traditional concept of how God functions, our relationship to God and consequences of
our thoughts and actions are not taught accurately these days. The Way of Light is obscured by ego which exists to waylay and distract us from the
Journey within which is to connect with our GodCore. This is the ego’s job, to prevent this connection, and it is very good at it.
We manifest in this 3rd dimension, the physical/material reality, to learn how to prepare ourselves for eventual merging with our GodCore. This is
what we exist for: to come into total oneness with the God within us; when this occurs we become living channels for God to manifest through into the
outer world to do what needs to be done without our interference. This means that we are not supposed to make the choices. When we are determining
what is best for us or for our world we are usually in the grip of ego which delivers us into the mental field exclusively.
Ego is not what our world considers it to be. When we are in a state of high emotion, judgment, rife with expectation and concrete beliefs we disable
God’s guidance from directing us. I do not speak of discernment here for discernment is necessary to live in the physical world. Example: your child
falls off a bicycle and one ankle swells to 3 times its size threatening to cut off blood flow to the foot. You must use discernment, along with God
Inner guidance, to choose whether to go to emergency or not. If you panic you are unable to connect with your GodCore and the fallible ego seizes
control; this is the point where bad choices are made and you may think instead: oh, its just a torn ligament and everything will be fine; but it
isn’t. When remaining calm and neutral you automatically receive God guidance and you know, without doubt, you must take your child to hospital
immediately. Call it intuition if you wish but you are listening to God.
How to be in tune with your GodCore? The simplest method is remaining neutral. It is referred to as Zero Point Energy. Have you have felt a warm
glow within you at times? Perhaps whilst in a state of profound prayer? Take a few minutes feeling for your GodCore within you. I sense it in my
solar plexus; others feel it over their hearts though It can dwell anywhere in the body and it need not be in the centre. This WarmLight is your
Divine Core. This is where God lives in you. Here is a thought: God flows. Darkness controls. The ego fights, lusts for control to meet its
needs. It, the ego, will put you through endless trauma to attain fodder for its bottomless appetite. When experiencing fear you know you are not
plugged into your GodCore, ergo, God cannot flow through you to meet your needs appropriately or to guide you to what is required for your safety. I
do not know how else to explain it.
Extreme physical preparation is not a sign of weak faith. Your faith is strong and unremitting though it is presuming that God is incapable of guiding
you through these times. You live in the physical reality so it is natural to think according to your conditioning so change the way you think and how
you organise yourself in the world. Folk are taught to pray for God to fix everything for them and just sit back and wait. Better to connect with
your GodCore and say something to this effect: " I manifest God's protection through my world now". In this way do you invite God to work through you
into the world instead of calling upon a powerless external force.
There are mandatory preparations on the physical level. In order to develop a clear connection to our GodCore we must detoxify our bodies and maintain
it. Why? Because a body filled with chemicals (processed foods for instance), fungus, parasites and dirty colon resonates at a lower frequency.
Alcohol, cigarettes, recreational drugs, low vibration music, horror and violent, sexual movies, books of the same low vibration, all these foul the
body holistically and lower the vibrations. The higher your frequency the easier it is to commune with your GodCore. This is the beginning of
physical preparation for the raising of your consciousness. The higher your consciousness the more aware you are and this allows the release of
Higher Wisdom, God Guidance, from within you for your use.
All energy, power, wisdom, direction, well-being, inspiration, creation, knowledge and protection sources from your GodCore. When connected you know
exactly what to do and God manifests what is required in the physical world through you for you. This is advanced wisdom. If it seems like gibberish
it is because you are not at the level to know it yet but you will.
Ten years ago I received the book by Eckart Tolle: The Power of Now. I was 50 at the time and had not changed eating habits or patterns of thinking
or reaction yet. I was not at the appropriate level of consciousness (frequency) to be able to understand the wisdom the book offered until one year
later. This book was a stepping stone for me. Fortunately I did not toss the book out nor give it to someone else. Had I done so I would not have
been prepared to learn what came later. Age has nothing to do with higher consciousness. Had I been raised with this wisdom I would have
automatically lived in such a way that there would have existed clear relationship with my GodCore and so would you.
__-----So. Do we rest in complete faith that we will be saved, raised or smoothly transition into the next realm or dimension by mere Spiritual
preparation? Or do we take heed of the signs and utilize the resources being provided to us to hold our own until the
Since we live in the physical world we must, at times, use props of the world such as anitbiotics to prevent an infection from destroying the body.
If your intent is to be in a state of defense whilst physically preparing for your family's welfare then you are transmitting on a lower level of
frequency which resonates with such emotions as fear, paranoia and offensive action against (for instance). This low frequency attracts other lower
frequencies. This is the meaning of "like attracts like" or "birds of a feather flock together". Whatever is at that frequency is drawn to you so a
human resonating on a predatory frequency would become aware and be drawn straight to you. Prepare according to inner guidance without emotion.
Remain neutral so that God is able to direct you. When faced with imminent attack you go into neutral and you "disappear" off the predator's radar.
He/it goes off to follow another similar frequency instead. This does not mean that you can never "feel" again; it just means that you are to be
moderate in all things. This is the Way of Light, the Path to God.
If one is suppressing fear, or any other strong emotion or conviction, then it is impossible to acheive neutrality. Only the neutral state allows the
God Flow. Hysterical prayer, joy derived from adrenaline rushes, potent expectations of ourselves, others and the world or of God also interferes.
There are stages to learning these wisdoms and I had to be extremely disciplined to come by it over the past 4.5 years. Normally you must also walk
each step on your own Journey to the Inner Divine. Everyone’s Journey is individual. I trust that what is revealed is because you are supposed to
see it. Those who are not ready will not believe this posting and may ridicule it but that is just fine.
It is all a matter of consciousness/awareness. The lower the frequency the more the GodCore is obscured by “cords” which prevent God flowing.
When you say he or she is dark you are actually right on for their GodCore is obscured. It is like a light bulb in a coal mine shaft. It gives forth
light readily then when it is not regularly cleaned each layer of coal dust further obscures the light until it is no longer apparent. It is still
there but not available to function as it is meant to; this is what happens to our GodCore when we allow ourselves to be caught up in the world. To
be in the world but not of it means that we still live here but are no longer allowing ego/darkness to direct us.
Through attainment of higher consciousness we lift out of the duality of the lower reality and function as an active open channel for God. Everyone
benefits, the entire universe benefits. Jesus was a fully developed God Channel who’s sacrifice was to incarnate in this dense dimension in order
to demonstrate the Way to the God Within. This was the sacrifice…not the death… for he did not remain in the physical body throughout the
execution as this was not required of him. What humanity refers to as the resurrection was his true spiritual self manifest to demonstrate that
physical death does not exist after entering into total oneness with one’s GodCore. The teaching has been warped over the centuries and sadly
misunderstood. This is because humans allowed ego to interpret rather than requesting the GodCore to fill them with wisdom.
Final suggestion: Go into Zero Point Energy state (neutral) and ask your GodCore for guidance and direction. It all comes from within you.
P.S. the above barely scratches the surface; there is so very much more.
edit on 10-1-2011 by Elderlight because: addition
edit on 10-1-2011 by Elderlight because: (no reason
edit on 10-1-2011 by Elderlight because: (no reason given)