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Facebook 'friends' mock 'suicide' of woman who posted goodbye message

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posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by anon72

The police and uk gov have spent 18 years trying to get me to commit suicide or be homeless. People that they used to destroy my life laughed there socks off with there plan that never came to fruition.

But i would say the op story is something more common than we hear.
edit on 1/6/2011 by andy1033 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 01:25 PM
Here is the Facebook page

Though it's clear she died, the post in the news story is not on the page.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by DaMod

If your sitting in Kentucky and that lady is sitting in California
you are no where near *neighbors*.

Other then that YES watch out for your neighbors your real neighbors..

This was just a name on the web for some of the *friends*... Hardly neighbors..

AND NO. it is not my responsibility sitting in Texas to be able to/have/need to help a suicidal person in Canada.

That is the difference between *fake friends* and *real friends*.
edit on 6-1-2011 by thecinic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

I'm surprised her FB page is still accessable/viewable.

I have to ask. Was there any indication she was a lesbian? I ask that as I am betting she was and that most of those alleged friends were of the same orientation. I heard they can be crueler than men to their women/loves.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by anon72
Was there any indication she was a lesbian?

At the top of her page it says :

"In a relationship with Melanie Herring"

I'd say it seems certain she was a lesbian.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by anon72

I have to ask. Was there any indication she was a lesbian? I ask that as I am betting she was and that most of those alleged friends were of the same orientation. I heard they can be crueler than men to their women/loves.


I am sorry, but that is funny.

I have met some mean women, also men so who knows.

I try not to categorize people even if they share the same sexual desires, its silly.

Also, as far as suicide goes, I believe it to be natural selection.

Nature kills stupid.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 01:51 PM
It is very sad that not one of those 1000+ people felt the urge to do anything, but perhaps it reflects upon her more than her “friends”.

In my opinion, someone who would post a message on Facebook announcing that they had tried to commit suicide and that it is likely that they would soon be dead is an attention-seeker who is better off ignored.

Perhaps she had posted similarly dramatic messages in the past, or was a personality likely to make-up something like that just for a reaction. Assuming that not everyone who had read it was a completely heartless bastard, they must have had a reason for brushing off this message.

It must be very distressing for her family and I have great sympathy for them, but it was her decision and she herself had obviously cared very little about how her loved ones would react. Announcing such a thing to 1000+ people without telling anyone who you know would actually care is not what I would call a “cry for help”, we should not be offloading the blame onto her Facebook “friends”.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 02:06 PM
Truly sad.. May she rest in peace.. Condolences to her family..
Looks like compassion for others is dead in the west.. Enjoy your greed, materialism and shallow "friends" on farcebook.. And westerners wonder why the worlds in the state its in...

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by vermonster

Originally posted by anon72

I have to ask. Was there any indication she was a lesbian? I ask that as I am betting she was and that most of those alleged friends were of the same orientation. I heard they can be crueler than men to their women/loves.


I am sorry, but that is funny.

I have met some mean women, also men so who knows.

I try not to categorize people even if they share the same sexual desires, its silly.

Also, as far as suicide goes, I believe it to be natural selection.

Nature kills stupid.

Suicide is not natural selection. Geese what an arrogant attitude you have.

Suicide is what happens when people live in an uncaring, psychopathic, brainwashed, and evil society like ours. The people who commit suicide are not idiots. They are mentally ill and misguided, and I don't believe the majority of them are at fault in the slightest. No, it's our fault, our ignorance of pain, and our lack of love and morality. Our selfish desires, our twisted perception of what is humane. That is the cause.

Btw, I thought you don't categorize people. Isn't calling people who commit suicide idiots categorizing them? Hmm?

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by sliceNodice
Suicide is not natural selection. Geese what an arrogant attitude you have.

Suicide is what happens when people live in an uncaring, psychopathic, brainwashed, and evil society like ours. The people who commit suicide are not idiots. They are mentally ill and misguided, and I don't believe the majority of them are at fault in the slightest. No, it's our fault, our ignorance of pain, and our lack of love and morality. Our selfish desires, our twisted perception of what is humane. That is the cause.

Btw, I thought you don't categorize people. Isn't calling people who commit suicide idiots categorizing them? Hmm?

Since when has nature been caring? Explain how organisms striving to survive by any means and failing is natural selection, and someone without the basic emotional robustness to withstand a break-up without killing themselves is the product of an "uncaring, psychopathic, brainwashed and evil" society.

Modern society is a breeze, it's so incredibly simple to survive that people value relatively trivial things above their own survival and kill themselves as a result. That is most definitely natural selection.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 02:31 PM
In some people's mind, the internet is an alter-reality. And the beauty of it is that you can choose what you see more easily. They make and "play" their alter-life online and until believing it is the real one. Hence such huge absurds found on the web.

Such is the detachment of the suicidal, that somehow thought that "it meant something" to publish the intention of suicide.

Such is the detachment of the 'friends' that didn't even know/understand the person.

This behavior (ie: alter-life online, detachment) is very common, and may be observed even here on ATS... vastly!


posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 07:26 PM
I am from America and sadly this is something that is more and more frequent over here. The value of life is about meaningless anymore. It is enough to make you sick to see some of the crap people say and do around here. I mean honestly I don't blame them for her death, but mocking her? That is a bit sad and depraved. A good example of this was locally there was a girl who was harassed online through Facebook to the point that she ended up killing herself as well. Basically the story I read was something to the effect of she was already an outcast in school and was just trying to fit in. Someone had told her to try facebook because she might make more friends. Instead the kids from school started picking on her relentlessly until she actually killed herself.

I know there was another similar event involving Myspace where some older woman posed as a teenager to harass a girl that had dated her son or something like that. Anyway the girl killed herself as well and they actually attempted to charge the woman. I'm not sure what happened there.

i guess the point is that it's sad to think these people spend this much time trying to hurt someone's feeling or demean them. It makes me ashamed to be a associated with them as human beings.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804

You said it best.

I guess it is hip for the younger ones but that isn't a surprise. They haven't live life long enough to have gotten their teeth kicked in by it. When they do, they won't be so open and trusting.

I do agree with you. It pisses me off to no end when my two boys are texting girls. The one lives across the street. He sits and goolely eyes her but won't go over and stike up a conversation. Heck, the young lady couldn't have made it more knowing that she likes him. Sickens me. Be going on for 1 1/2 years. lol

I have to say that I am glad my generation didn't have all of this modern day stuff. And with that, I am officially OLD> Sounding like my dad. ugh.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 05:45 AM
I have a facebook account.
I have it set so that only those 'friended' can see the information.
I don't open it up to just anyone to read.
And what I post would probably be dull to most people.
I can't talk much at all so the Facebook account is how I update friends on what is happening.
It's useful.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 06:33 AM
facebook should have a mechanism to detect suicide attempts ... they could provide something

and its hard, these friends werent really friends, since they all thought it was some hoax of someone needing attention ...

facebook friendlist is not really a list of your friends, its a list of people you know or want to know

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 06:53 AM
Something similar happened to me years ago. That time it was thru the website Live Journal. A young girl (she was less then 18 at the time) who is like family to me posted she was going to kill herself. Her family was not aware that she even had the site so when I saw the message I had to alert someone. Her younger sister was at a friend's house, her mother was at work. The girl was known for her drama so first several calls were placed to the house, she never answered. Her grandmother rushed over there only to find her in her room watching TV. Her response at all the sudden interest? A smile and the question "what are you doing here, did you think something was wrong?" then she laughed about it. She had also unplugged all the house phones so she wouldn't have to hear the consistent ringing.

Since then, about 6 years ago (she is now married and lives many hours away), she has threatened suicide many times. And even spent time hospitalized to help with her depression. Here's the thing though, she only threatens to kill herself when she wants money from her mom or when she feels like her sister is getting more attention. And with a history of depression and suicide in the family her mom caves every time for fear that that one time she says no to her she will go thru with it. It is a very sad situation.

While it is easy to wage a finger at Facebook and the people that use it, things like this could happen on any site. I think I've even see something similar on this site months ago.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by thecinic
Well if the girl was going to kill herself anyways

and she already took the pills side from being rushed to
the hospital in enough time to get charcoaled your dead.

So no one can actually stop anyone from suicide.

Since when was it facebook and the people on facebooks
responsibility from stopping a suicidal crazy women...

Someone should at least have tried! You seem a pretty callous person thecinic.. Also, a 42 year old is not a girl. Time you people realised that... I fought that fight in the 1980s, and never thought I would still be arguing 25 years later that a girl over 18 years old is a woman!
What is it, youth worship, or just a very male dominated culture such as the USA is?
My heart goes out to this poor woman and her mother.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by anon72

This is tragic and so sad.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by Faiol

It could be abused so easily though, the amount of times I've left myself signed on to either my computer or a mates computer and I've come back and they've written stupid things as my status is untrue. Even my brother and sisters will do it

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by anon72
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

I'm surprised her FB page is still accessable/viewable.

That's one of the most angry-making things about Facebook. They will never take your profile down, ever. An Italian friend of mine drowned in April '10, while on holiday, and her profile is still there and still visible, and I still get a shock every time I review a book on a linked site and get asked if I want to recommend it to friends including C! Her parents and her b/f have pleaded, but it's still there.

I have 100 friends, and they are all genuine, family, colleagues and people I really know..
PS - I joined because of my son!

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