Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by Over140
Are you suggesting that there's a correspondance between the human body and the Earth as a body, and that some people, when they feel a twitch in a
certain area, are feeling an impending earthquake in the world body? That's just craziest enough to sound plausible..!
If humans are made of energy, and the earth is made of energy (string theory) then we are made of earth and are able to feel disturbances. Anyone who
wants can send me a pm and i'll forward a weeks worth of the guys forecasts for you to check yourselves.
I get a spasm randomly every day, or every other day, different body parts, then repeats in some. Ive been having some new ones twitch lately, (in
good health) its just really wierd. I checked this guy out and a lot of it made sense, and was validated with the quake a few days later. Actually im
impressed enough with the idea and how crazy it is. This is his intro email, i forget where i found him, but nothing in it for him except to save
lives. This is what it said in email one, also have instructions for yourself in another email:
To All who read my lists:
I guess I should explain my postings to those who aren't used to me and my particulars.
I get symptoms for upcoming quakes and volcanoes sometimes through pains or twitches or bubbles in the muscles on my body. Sometimes I hear tones or
blocks in my ears.
Usually they are 3 to 5 days ahead of a quake. Therefore I post my lists for 4 days after symptoms (giving myself and Earth 1 day on either side).
In other words, what I feel today on the 19th I will transfer from my log to my computer as what will possibly happen on the 23d.
I try to make it as simple as possible. I do not post magnitudes. I may never do that because it seemed to be a competitive thing happening on the
Jim Berkland Board (Syzygy) where I first learned this stuff.
When I post the name of the place with nothing in parentheses it means that I had only one small tweak for that place. (Probably not very much of a
When I post Medium to Strong it means I got a symptom more than once or 2 different symptoms for the same place. (Probably a stronger quake or more
than one small one.)
======I will be posting for probable magnitudes now in 2010.======
When I post STRONG to EXTREMELY STRONG it means the symptoms continued all day or more than a day or symptoms were so strong that it was debilitating.
Meaning I had to sit down and do nothing until the pain stopped.
Also when I post STRONG to EXTREMELY STRONG, the usual 3 to 5 days will not apply. It sometimes takes 9 or more days from the onset of the symptom to
the quake. (REALLY strong quake or big swarm.)
One example of EXTREMELY STRONG was a Parkfield quake that was only about a 5 magnitude that felt lke someone had hit me with a sledgehammer in the
right side side ribs. This was before I knew that area was Parkfield, California for me.
I post my lists 2 places on the internet. I only post correlations on 1 place.
I have been on my blog for months now:
I put pictures and extra information and relevant web links on my blog. On the right side menu are the days...when there is an asterisk in front of
the day, it means I have listed correlations that I have found for my predicted areas.
The forum I most frequent now is:
Sometimes I will post to a few other forum boards if I get an EXTREME symptom. But I am trying to keep this simple for me and any users. It takes a
lot to keep track of what I do already. It IS my job.
If anyone is interested in helping out by learning their own body symptoms, I have a tutorial on this Yahoo site. It can be found in the menu on the
left under files.
Peace to all.