posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 03:54 AM
Ok, well this is the story, I was always sceptic about this kind of stuff, and as may of you know it is hard to talk about Aliens, believes, ufos etc.
to people, just becouse it is not '' a social desirable bias ''
In my enviroment you just cannot say that you have seen an ufo or have a discussion about aliens and such. The people will disrespect you or think you
are crazy in some sort of way.
I am 25 years old and studying neuro-psychology for a couple of years now and I kow a lot about science. When you are studying science, you will learn
to live on just the scientific facts. And so i did for over 13 years I never talked about the things I have experianced.
For a few days ago I found the niburu webpage and found some common interests there. Also here on I found that a lot of things or
experiances are happening to a lot of other people too. The things I have seen and experianced in the past and also the last months are evertything
beyond my believes and facts I know. I am for sure aliens do exist, the hole Moon Rising thing, abductions and contacts. I am reading a lot about 2012
, the disclosure project, the massal UFO sightings, and I am starting to believe that there is something happening. If someone have any idea what I am
talking about, please reply. When is Obama finally ready to give us the truth? çouse, we already know....
English is not my native language, I will do the best I can to do the writing herre