On all the major ghost hunting websites (such as
www.theshadowlands.net... , as a random example) all the famous hauntings listed are at least
from World War II, and back several hundred years after that.
Which makes sense to a degree, of course -- since ghosts are the spirits of dead people who died in tragic ways before their spirits were ready to
leave this plane of reality -- but shouldn't there be some modern places that are
very haunted now? Where modern tragedies have occured?
A few random examples:
The Columbine High School in Colorado -- Not only did a horrible tragedy happen there, but the library where the majority of the bloodshed occured has
been permanantly sealed off! That sounds like a prescription for a haunting to me... and yet, I've heard nothing about ghosts there.
The World Trade Center site in New York -- One of the great global tragedies of human history happened here not 3 years ago. Given the scale of the
massive loss of life and the destruction of property (two skyscrapers!), shouldn't this now be one of the most haunted places on Earth? I've read
nothing about rescue workers or cleanup workers seeing any ghosts at Ground Zero... much less hundreds of ghosts, like one might expect!
Other sites I wonder about include:
-the U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania
-hundreds of locations in Israel... take your pick
-any earthquake, hurricane, or natural disaster that killed several, dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people, such as the 1989 California USA
earthquake or the Iran 2003 earthquake...
What do you think? My curiosity on this subject has been nagging me for the longest time, so I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!