posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by JPhish
Problem is, most peoples have NOT been significantly isolated for significant periods of time. There is and has been genetic transfer through
numerous means.
Let me provide an example. The Celts extend from Finland to Italy. Celts have a distinctive look within the greater Indo-European category of
You'll notice that the more isolated ones on the Islands have kept that look, and the ones futher North have also maintained that look for the most
However, as you go South, the Celts progressively get darker. As they get closer to the Middle East, where a darker variety of Indo-European are.
Not all of the celts get darker, there are still Blonde Blue Eyed Italians but as an overall there is border bleeding of genetic transfer in areas of
common living space or common boundaries.
Now let us consider the Black Irish. Darker, amoungst the isolated Celts. However, some of them have Pict ancestry, and others have Spanish from
when the Spainards were landing on every freaking island and raping and pillaging and leaving their dark haired bastards everywhere. (the other end of
this same effect in the Phillipines for example.)
Humans WANDER. Settlement is a relatively new phenomena, and even with that we still move between settlements all over the World.
However, as you move to the extreme ranges or the geographic centers of peoples the broad categories are visibly apparent. To pretend they aren't
there is a poiltical/philosophical argument, and using those differences to make moral or superiority judgements is alos a political/philosophical
argument. Choosing to be blind to apparent differentiation is useless in a practical way. Using those differences to support one's prejudices is
also useless.
edit on 2011/1/5 by Aeons because: (no reason given)