posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 10:36 AM
Regarding Bush shaking his head while making a statement, here's a quote from a European magazine article titled "How To Spot A Lie".
"One student, for example, appeared calm and reasonable as he listed the reasons why the death penalty was wrong. But every time he expressed these
opinions, he swiftly, almost imperceptibly, shook his head. But the movement is so subtle and quick many people don't even see it until it's pointed
out to them. While his words explained the arguments against capital punishment, the quick, involuntary shudder of his head was saying loud and clear,
"No, I don't believe this!" He was, in fact, lying, having been for many years a firm supporter of the death penalty."
Here's a link to the full source.
How To Spot A Lie
Also, check Bush's "expressed" emotion and see if it occurs "before" the corresponding statement. If not, it's a good indication that he's
But keep in mind. Bush is probably well trained in lying.