Sorry to troll your topic, but i just can't find a place to put this.
I have been looking around in google earth and i found something that i just cant get outta my head. It is probably nothing but here you go. --->
-14.034683,48.838043 Does it not look structured?
My Dad was transferred from Vandenberg to Cheyenne Mountain for a while. So, I do surely know what you mean about AFBs being built into mountains.
Concur buddy! That's what you got here. You want to know the irony, Vandenberg had a golf course built on it too (like a club with a pool and snack
bar and sh*t)! Think of it this way, better a $30,000.00 golf course than a $30,000.00 ash tray. Not working for you? Didn't work for me either.
If i remember right, those are basically un-used buildings on most of the SE portion of the base and the golf course.
I have been in almost every building up there and there is nothing odd going on.