posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 11:51 AM
I don't wear a watch, and I use my phone as my timepiece. My girlfriend and I were on a New Year's vacation, and I didn't have my phone with me
most of the time. When we checked in to the resort, we were given room 111. On the 31st, I was not clock watching, but after dinner, was wondering how
much time we had for off-program activities and looked at my phone. It was 11:11. I mentioned it to my girlfriend. I thought it was an interesting
coincidence, and as I'm also familiar with a number of the topics of discussion of it as a phenomenon, I thought it added a little fun to the
The next morning on 1/1/11. The first time I looked at my phone, it was 11:11. Then I thought about it as getting a little more strange, and realized
the date. I talked to my girlfriend about it, and she noted the room number, which I actually hadn't thought about before. By this time, we both
throught it was an unusual coincidence.
This morning, as we got back to the room and needed to get things ready to leave, I looked at the phone in front of my girlfriend, and you guessed it,
OK, I know a bit about statistics and I understand that the times I might have been looking at the phone, especially if it was often, whcih it was
not, could have made such a time more likely, but I would like to get any thoughts about what, if anything this could mean.