posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 02:39 PM
Hi everyone,
I'm actually trying to destroy my social life, and I really want to get a MMORPG game so hopefully, I'll become a pathetic living being totally
addicted to a virtual universe.
So, I'll probably buy World of Warcraft when it comes out, I've seen it and it really looks awesome, but I would have probably bought it anyway just
because I'm such a huge Blizzard fan.
But I started this thread for a special purpose, because I remember someone on here (in another thread) once said that there was a game, already out
there, that had WAY better graphics than WoW, and that actually had no monthly fee to play. I searched all over BTS, and I can't find, nor remember,
the name of that game.
So if you read this, please remember me what was the name of that game again. Also, I invite anyone to post and explain why they think their
favorite MMORPG is the best out there. Thanks.
(P.S. I know there's already the "Best online game?" thread, but it's not specific to MMORP, and I really want to know what was the name of that thanks for understanding...)
[Edited on 7-7-2004 by m0rbid]