posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Manolete
Maybe one of the many features of Chemtrails are perhaps they're working in conjunction with HAARP!
I think this is way past our simple-minds to try to figure out. Fact is (always was and will continue to be) our government/military are FAR more
advanced than we can possibly even imagine.
Our (albeit; fair) questions are like kindergarten inquiries compared to the post-post-post graduate truth of what they're doing and why.
We can sit back and keep asking "why this' and 'why not that' but it doesn't change the outcome that some facet of the PTB are up there doing
something to all of us.
We got slammed today here in southeast Florida. Last time this occurred (that I noticed anyway) was right before Haiti earthquake. Almost a year to
the time, last year. So.............I wonder if there's a quake-a-coming down the pike because my sky was blasted with trails for over 5 hours today.