This thread is intended to provide a visual guide to “UFO” and “alien” related photos and videos that have already been assigned to
the HOAX Forum here on ATS, with links to the relevant threads.
This thread is not intended to provide details behind hoaxes or, indeed, to establish whether a video or photo is a hoax. It is merely intended to be
a resource to help locate further information on photos and videos assigned to
the HOAX
Forumon ATS (i.e. forum umber 111).
I have previously commented on the fact that certain hoaxes that live on regardless of some pretty devastating revelations (including the admission of
hoaxes) – see, for example, my thread
“How do you kill an alien zombie? (Edit to add :
This title involves a metaphor explained in the OP)”
One of the issues that I’ve noticed is that ATS members find it particularly difficult to search for information about a photo or video they have
found on the Internet, since it is difficult to identify relevant keywords upon which to search.
There are, of course, a few threads on ATS that are relevant to the issue of hoaxed photos and videos (in addition to the numerous threads on
individual hoaxes). I would highlight a thread started by Internos entitled
Some of the best ones” and NephraTari’s thread entitled
“Compilation list of CGI, known hoaxes and disproved(videos and
During the last few years I’ve been working on a few ideas for making it easier to locate information about specific photos and videos (whether
hoaxed or not) and that work continues behind the scenes, but I thought it would be useful to start a thread on one of the more straightforward ideas
– a visual guide to “UFO” and “alien” related photos and videos that have already been assigned to
the HOAX Forum here on ATS, with links to the relevant threads.
Springer has previously outlined various issues relating to the HOAX forum in a thought-provoking thread started by Maybe...maybe not entitled
“Assigning of Hoaxes in the "Aliens & UFOs Forum" to the "Hoax Forum". In
one post by Springer, he commented that
It's simple, either we are shown the evidence/proof it's been hoaxed OR the overwhelming consensus of the Membership decides it belongs in the [HOAX]
WRT many threads that have been proven to be hoaxes still residing in the various forums other than the [HOAX] forum, well that's because nobody has
alerted the staff to them, or, they haven't been conclusively proven a hoax yet.
I perfectly understand the reasons behind creating a HOAX forum, but I’ve noticed that once a thread is assigned to that forum discussion tends to
drop off and knowledge of that thread seems to become limited on the main Aliens & UFOs Forum.
Hopefully this thread, which I’ve deliberately started in the Aliens & UFOs Forum rather than within the HOAX Forum itself, will help address some
of the problems I’ve perceived.
I’ll start by posting some of relevant highest flagged threads from the Hoax Forum as sorted then revert to posting them in chronological order
(oldest first).
The HOAX forum is a relatively recent addition to ATS and it seems that few threads (even if they clearly related to a hoax) that pre-dated the
creation of the HOAX forum have been moved there. It seems that, quite understandably, the focus has been on moving new threads to that forum rather
than attempting to address the huge number of existing threads. I’ve just started a new thread about that backlog, entitled “Help clean up ATS :
Candidate UFO threads to be added to the HOAX forum?”.
A couple of suggestions to help keep this thread focused on its intended purpose of providing a visual guide to “UFO” and “alien” related
photos and videos that have already been assigned to the HOAX Forum here on ATS, with
links to the relevant threads.
(1) If you want to discuss any particular photo or video beyond simply providing a visual guide to a thread already assigned to
the HOAX Forum– including arguing that an image should or should not be assigned to
that forum - please do not post that discussion in this thread. As appropriate, either contact Springer via U2U, post in a relevant individual thread
or post in a separate thread I’ve started entitled “Help clean up ATS : Candidate UFO
threads to be added to the HOAX forum?”;
(2) If you want to discuss issues regarding the HOAX Forum, I’d suggest posting the
thought-provoking thread started by Maybe...maybe not entitled “Assigning of Hoaxes in the
"Aliens & UFOs Forum" to the "Hoax Forum" that I mentioned above.
(3) If you post add an entry for a photo or video that has already been assigned to the HOAX
Forum, please make sure the video is embedded (i.e. do not merely link to it) or upload relevant images to ATS Media so that the actual image
appears rather than a merely a link – this thread is intended to be a VISUAL guide.
edit on 1-1-2011 by IsaacKoi because: (no reason given)
edit on 1-1-2011 by IsaacKoi because: (no reason given)