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The Greatest Englishman EVER!

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posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by Yissachar1

Originally posted by 1IN7MILLION

Originally posted by Yissachar1

Originally posted by 1IN7MILLION
Oliver Cromwell...never heard of him, and iv lived in England since the beginning of secondary school. Hhahah Oliver what a weak arrrse name.

Now William Wallace was the man, he would smash the granny out of that pecker neck!!

Cromwell executed the king of England, turned us into a republic, restored integrity to British democracy that became the template for Western democaritic nations.

Built schools and opened government to the commoners

Oh yes

And conquered your wallaces scotland and ruled them too

OHHHH get off his dick
. Sounds like a murderer from what you have said, when did you start condoning murder. That's your hero. At least my murdering hero did if for FREEDOM. Not to take peoples land.

I officially claim the moral high ground in this debate.

No you don't

Cromwell was a soldier just like me. Am i a murderer then, alongside those of us who gave our best years in service of our country and delivered your security to say what you feel???.. Without us you wouldnt even be able to make a good impression of a poodle as you are now..

Should i be proud of my countrymen who not only crushed my countries enemies and delivered honest, accountable government that became the envy of the world?

Hell yeah

Men of honour are as rare as fine gold now and i will not be ashamed by supporting and remembering the greatest Englisman who kept every word he made and followed through..
edit on 31-12-2010 by Yissachar1 because: (no reason given)

YEEEES If you have killed a person for whatever reason especially in war your most certainly a murderer. I have friends in the marines fighting in Iraq why are we even out there. I will never join the army, you fight and kill anyone they tell you...NO honour, your there puppets your told your views and who you are now. FULL F'N STOP.

England doesn't care about you, that's the truth. I have just been talking to a guy who speaks to demons and travels through time...and you sir sound more deluded.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by 1IN7MILLION

Originally posted by Yissachar1

Originally posted by 1IN7MILLION

Originally posted by Yissachar1

Originally posted by 1IN7MILLION
Oliver Cromwell...never heard of him, and iv lived in England since the beginning of secondary school. Hhahah Oliver what a weak arrrse name.

Now William Wallace was the man, he would smash the granny out of that pecker neck!!

Cromwell executed the king of England, turned us into a republic, restored integrity to British democracy that became the template for Western democaritic nations.

Built schools and opened government to the commoners

Oh yes

And conquered your wallaces scotland and ruled them too

OHHHH get off his dick
. Sounds like a murderer from what you have said, when did you start condoning murder. That's your hero. At least my murdering hero did if for FREEDOM. Not to take peoples land.

I officially claim the moral high ground in this debate.

No you don't

Cromwell was a soldier just like me. Am i a murderer then, alongside those of us who gave our best years in service of our country and delivered your security to say what you feel???.. Without us you wouldnt even be able to make a good impression of a poodle as you are now..

Should i be proud of my countrymen who not only crushed my countries enemies and delivered honest, accountable government that became the envy of the world?

Hell yeah

Men of honour are as rare as fine gold now and i will not be ashamed by supporting and remembering the greatest Englisman who kept every word he made and followed through..
edit on 31-12-2010 by Yissachar1 because: (no reason given)

YEEEES If you have killed a person for whatever reason especially in war your most certainly a murderer. I have friends in the marines fighting in Iraq why are we even out there. I will never join the army, you fight and kill anyone they tell you...NO honour, your there puppets your told your views and who you are now. FULL F'N STOP.

England doesn't care about you, that's the truth. I have just been talking to a guy who speaks to demons and travels through time...and you sir sound more deluded.

I suppose you think "meat is murder" too huh?


Its a soldiers job to kill. Thats what we do. And I took a great pride in my job too and VERY good at it...

We fight for each other and not you or some over priverlidged old lady on a throne, but if tshtf at home, it will not be some spotty student, vegan, tree hugging, self important little coward putting themselves in harms way and protecting our families and countrymen, but people like me.

Good job I could not give a crap what you think huh?

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 11:55 AM
There was no news flash there.

You are the retard doing all the grunt work so I can sit pretty...thanks. You kill because you like to. Killing is not hard to do, now fighting your animal instincts and defeating adversity in a constructive and harmless way. That's the way forward you my witless little friend are a thing of the past.

You remind me of one of them red neck Americans kissing there flag outside the house, meanwhile the government plans to kick them out of the town. YOU made the choice to join and kill anyone, and by that you equally deserve the same to happen to you and your family. I would not wish that on you or anyone that's way I am not in the army

Don't invade another country and kill people and tell me you are protecting your friends,family and way of life you ignorant fool. You cannot believe that just because the media says well done for murdering people in there home towns (for oil) and you don't go the jail that is morally right to do. Explain to your self truthfully how my aforementioned statement is morally acceptable.

"Good job I could not give a crap what you think huh?" Well don't start a thread then. And don't reply to my posts continually getting more angry (starting to swear) because it shows you do give a crap.
edit on 1-1-2011 by 1IN7MILLION because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 01:56 PM
Oliver Cromwell was a great englishman and like all great men his life was not without controversy. However my vote goes to Queen Elizabeth the First.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 03:03 PM
Cromwell was an arse and is the reason why we abandoned the whole idea of Republics and stuck with our Constitutional Monarchy all these years.

As for all this bickering about who did what to whom, it's all pointless and everyone is speaking from their own perspective without even considering the context of either sides attacks and actions against the other.

For example, dating from before the foundation of the Kingdom of England, Edinburgh was part of the Kingdom of Northumberland and was founded by the people who would later be known as "the English". With the danish invasion in the 10th century and the weakening of the Northumberland Kingdom, the city fell to the Scots.

With the formatiopn of Anglo-Saxon England, peaceful relations were always sought with our neighbours to the north and rarely did any sort of fighting break out until well after the Norman conquest, when Englishmen were being ruled over by Norman and Breton Lords. It was under these foreign influences, with the blessing of the Pope, that the trouble started.

It also has to be remembered that Scotland attacked and invaded England on at least as many occasions as England attacked Scotland. This is primarily because the Scots were allied with the French, so our wars with them brought England and Scotland into conflict. It was a strategic necessity to invade Scotland, otherwise it could have been (and was) used as a staging post for invasions into England by foreign powers.

The same is for Ireland. Foreign leaders using (at least during the Norman conquest of Ireland) foreign troops under the name of "England". We cop the blame, because people don't bother to educate themselves past what they have been told and actually look at the history properly.

As for the colonialism, the VAST majority of all people who left the UK to foreign lands and set up colonies were of Scottish and irish descent.; Now, I recognise this is probably due to various factors, be it unemployment, poverty, famine and what have you, but again it is fashionable to blame the English for taking over other peoples countries and settling them when in reality it was not us!

For example, a while ago I was involved in a thread about the Falklands and those that supported the Argentine position would haoppliy chirp about evil "English" colonisers when the bulk of the Falklands population is of Scottish descent. People don't bother making the distinction when they want to be xenophobic and inevitably end up being racist towards the wrong people, which is even worse than just being a racist!

Anyhoo, before people whale on me for being an Englishman, I will point out I am of Irish and Cornish descent, so "ethnically" I am of Gaelic origin. I just see it for what it is and don't let silly national myths and fashions influence me. Yes, the English have been bastards in history, but find me a race of people on this planet who haven't!

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 11:59 PM
Cromwell was a soldier just like me. Am i a murderer then, alongside those of us who gave our best years in service of our country and delivered your security to say what you feel???.. Without us you wouldnt even be able to make a good impression of a poodle as you are now..

YES YOU ARE............

Should i be proud of my countrymen who not only crushed my countries enemies and delivered honest, accountable government that became the envy of the world?



Look man you haven’t a clue what your talking about.. You have offended a lot of people with this thread and don’t even know why. Everybody reading knew you didn’t understand and gave you a break.. Your fellow countrymen as you call them tried to help you out by attempting derail the thread.

Open your eyes you will realise War/Murder is wrong and your honest accountable government made you believe what you do is ok.

How do I know this? What makes me such and expert?

Because I can feel it is wrong.. Just like you can, You are no different than me. The borders between us and the flags above our heads are put there by somebody else. We are both made up of the same stuff. We both deserve to be here. Just like any Afghani or Iraqi does and you don’t have the right to take that from me or anybody else.

Every time you pull that trigger you know it’s wrong. You just choose not to listen to it..

Please don’t get angry at me or my words. I am trying to help save your life or at least somebody else’s.

You are not a Hero and Cromwell certainly was not.

Try and understand what you do is wrong

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by stumason

Yeah there has been many visitors to ireland but now were talking about cromwell..

edit on 3-1-2011 by spungy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by spungy
reply to post by stumason

Yeah there has been many visitors to ireland but now were talking about cromwell..

edit on 3-1-2011 by spungy because: (no reason given)

Not entirely sure what your point is here. I am well aware we're talking about Cromwell, but since the OP to my post, there has been quite alot of anti English sentiment about how "evil" and "conquering" we were. Just trying to inject some perspective and make people realise what actually happened and the context in which it did happen.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by spungy

So im to be proud of my countries history in secret in case it offends?

I dont think so.

The reason i pick cromwell is a very ATS one.

He destroyed crooked government from the top (the king) to the bottom and actually DID something to get an honest government for the people unlike us who bitch about tptb and do nothing.

I admire his honesty and integrity that he had to a fault. And his courage and leadership in battle.

You are right about war it IS wrong.

But sometimes necessary as in the case of the civil war where our own monarch betrayed his people by trying to bring in papist forces against us.

Should we not fight against such a traitor?

Would you not fight if your leaders bought in foriegn armies to your shores to fight against your own people?

Yet another thing that people on this site accuse their governments of setting up!

If my choice offends


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