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NYC sanitation workers destroy a Ford Explorer. Where is the Pride in the Workforce?

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posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 03:19 PM
Let me first say that I actually posted this in BTS, because at first I just thought it was kind of stupid and didn't really think rated to be in the ATS.

Then I got to thinking about it more and it started making me a little angry. I kept thinking how crazy. Man can take the time to create these machines, but he can't take the time to utilize them enough to respect someone else property. He can demand a high salary, but heaven forbid he might have to go the extra mile to do something correct, because maybe it isn't in his job description.

Fifty or Sixty years ago this never would have happened. Yes, I realize we didn't have these particular machines then, but even if it was something on par with them, it wouldn't have happened. People took pride in their work, and people helped their neighbors. People would have never dreamed of just plowing through someone else's property.

When did we as a country become so apathetic about or jobs and fellow man? If we all made that extra dollar an hour would it really change anything? At this point, I highly doubt it. Sad to say, but I think it is true.

We claim we are the greatest country in the world and all that is wrong is the governments fault. Well, if thats true, tell me where this is big brothers fault?

Im sure someone can say well its this law or that law yada yada, and perhaps maybe it is, but I find that lame, but I find the actions of these people far beyond lame. They clearly just didn't give a flying monkey except to achieve their own personal goal. That was so bad I would almost guess someone was on their cell phone talking to their girlfriend while doing the job.

Come on America, where is the pride? Come on my fellow man, Where is the RESPECT for your neighbor?

This could have happened to any of us. Are you the owner of the Explorer? Or are you the working stiff that doesn't have the time to do the job right with pride and dignity?

No wonder so much of the work place is becoming automated and driven by robotics, for the most part the machines do the job right, and they don't make personal demands. I know that may not seem to have anything to do with this, but not to long ago, man did build these machines by hand down to the last screw... Did people maybe start missing a screw to many and just not care then either?

Sorry if I went off on a tangent here, but it just really makes me mad, people want want want, but they don't want to give anything beyond their own little world...

This is how they tow a stuck vehicle in New York and it could have been yours.... Warning Language*

edit on 28-12-2010 by onehuman because: title

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 03:24 PM
I really hate to be Captain Obvious here, but why not just pull the damned thing from the front?


posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by MessOnTheFED!
I really hate to be Captain Obvious here, but why not just pull the damned thing from the front?


See? It could have been sooo simple... That or at least move the explorer out of the way and put it back when done, since they were so set on going that way. Maybe it was a one way street and they got confused...
Wouldnt want to break any laws you know by going up a one way street or anything....
edit on 28-12-2010 by onehuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 03:38 PM
So they have a wrecker out to get an articulated skip loader unstuck and this gets turned into towing a Ford Explorer?
Looks to me the Ford is just an innocent bystander that gets some unfortunate damage.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 03:41 PM
I'd like to know the result of this case because I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if they deny any reimbursement to the owner of the Ford and threaten arrest and seizure unless he/she drops it.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by abecedarian
So they have a wrecker out to get an articulated skip loader unstuck and this gets turned into towing a Ford Explorer?
Looks to me the Ford is just an innocent bystander that gets some unfortunate damage.

This is how I saw it too. It looks to me like they were just trying to get the skip loader out of there and it didnt seem like they had a ton of options...
edit on 28-12-2010 by xEphon because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by onehuman

Living in the Great White North, as I do, I am fully aware that overnight street parking is not allowed in certain communities so that snow removal equipment can do its thing in the least obtrusive manner possible. In the best scenarios...the streets are ploughed before you need to leave for work.

But...all it takes is some schmuck to ignore the ordinance and the system gets screwed up and the many suffer because of the inconsideration of the few.

So...screw that few.

Could this perhaps factor into the situation?

edit on 28-12-2010 by JohnnyCanuck because: clarity

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

It's New York.

I imagine there is no place to park aside from the street, regardless of an ordnance preventing it or not. Just saying.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 03:56 PM
I hope you guys are kidding... First, I am just saying they could have moved the explorer out of the way instead of just running it over. How much longer would that have actually taken? Cheaper then the lawsuit to do I bet. Then also pointed out is the fact that it looks like they could have just gone the other way maybe?

I really don't think they needed to just plow over that Explorer. There is always more then one way to skin a rabbit and this country is suppose to be great for thinking outside of the box and getting the job done the best way. This is a epic fail on that point. IMHO of course.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 04:01 PM
that was completely unnecessary

1. get out and shovel a clear path for tire traction
2. tow from the front (like someone already mentioned)
3. use the big shovel on the front to clear a path BEFORE driving into mound of snow(see # 1.)
4. throw a bunch of sand under vehicle for traction
5. stop pulling once you realize the vehicles are going to collide

any single one would have worked, you'd think this was a video of Miami or something, snow crews must have a shelf life of 1 season up in NY where it never snows

...I think I just had a idea for a new car option in 10 or 20 years, Satellite Auto Protection, for an extra $$$ every year your car can be taped anytime its parked for added security and protection

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by onehuman

With all due respsect I drove an 18 wheeler into and out of New York Boroughs for years and those people do NOT give a $hit. They more than likely work for the city and will get away with it, just saying

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by onehuman
Fifty or Sixty years ago this never would have happened. Yes, I realize we didn't have these particular machines

We didnt have trucks and loaders 60 years ago? News to me.

People need to leave cities. Spread out. Stop packing yourselves into these pits of despair and bankruptcy. Like a bunch of chickens in a Purdue factory all crapping on each others heads until slaughter day arrives.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere

Originally posted by onehuman
Fifty or Sixty years ago this never would have happened. Yes, I realize we didn't have these particular machines

We didnt have trucks and loaders 60 years ago? News to me.

People need to leave cities. Spread out. Stop packing yourselves into these pits of despair and bankruptcy. Like a bunch of chickens in a Purdue factory all crapping on each others heads until slaughter day arrives.

Lol, I realize we had them then, I said that more for the people that would point out the fact we didnt have these Kinds of machines then. Make and model lets say. People are kind of funny about semantics around here yano...

Funny the comments are all about how it could have been done more so then where is the pride in ones job... Odd eh?

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