JERUSALEM – Israeli archaeologists say they may have found the earliest evidence yet for the existence of modern man.
A Tel Aviv University team excavating a cave in central Israel said Monday they found teeth about 400,000 years old. The earliest Homo sapiens remains
found until now are half that old.
Archaeologist Avi Gopher said Monday further research is needed to solidify the claim. If it does, he says, "this changes the whole picture of
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I guess the jury is still out but seriously what kind of creationist lunatic would ever have expected that the oldest modern human would be found in
the Holy Land? Kind of makes you wonder...
I have just paid for three genographic DNA analisis kits from the National Geographic Genographic project. It tells us about our migratory
history and where exactly the people of your genetic type have travelled through to get to where you are today. This is based on us all coming out of
Money wasted?