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Scotty Has Alzheimers (Why We Need Stem Cell Research)

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posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 07:09 PM
Thansk to the religious right, stem cell research is essentialy dead in this country. The benifits of cloning organs for transplant patients to possibly finding a cure for alzheimers will be discovered elsewere.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 07:16 PM
That's sad. Always liked James, good player. Age does that though. Maybe we should boost the dilithium chrystals to counteract the action coming from the Romulan Empire.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 07:30 PM
From the article:

Doohan also has suffered for some time with Parkinson's disease (news - web sites), diabetes and fibrosis due to chemical exposure during World War II and the D-Day invasion in France, Stevens said.

I didnt realize he was even old enough to have been involved in WWII.

But I agree with you completely FredT - the religious right in this country needs to remove itself from the stem cell debate and allow researchers to pursue every avenue of this research.

I found a great article that Time mag did on stem cell research. Link

It should be noted by those opposed to stem cell research that fertility treatment embryos would simply go to waste if not used for research. It brings up an interesting point - why is ok to discard (abort in a sense) extra stem cells once pregnancy is confirmed but not okay to use them in research? Either way an embryro is terminated.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by Bleys

But I agree with you completely FredT - the religious right in this country needs to remove itself from the stem cell debate and allow researchers to pursue every avenue of this research.
why is ok to discard (abort in a sense) extra stem cells once pregnancy is confirmed but not okay to use them in research? Either way an embryro is terminated.

I could not agree with you more. The right to life people on the board should speak up and answer this one. Im a California Republican which basicaly means that east of the Rockies I would be a democrat. Im in a real quandry with this election. I have objections to Kerry and his desire to tax me to death but Georges Ultra conservative friends scare me as well.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 08:37 PM
I'm the religious right and I'm all for stem-cell research.

I think you might have meant the fanatic religious right. It is pretty important to make the differentiation.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Valhall
I think you might have meant the fanatic religious right. It is pretty important to make the differentiation.

Are they the ones that throw blood in front of Planned Parenthood, Kill people for performing abortions, attempt to force creation science in schools, claim condoms are evil yet refuse to adopt all the babies that are the result? etc etc. You would be correct in wanting to separate yourself from them. Alas is sometimes hard to sort you guys out without a playing card

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by Valhall
I'm the religious right and I'm all for stem-cell research.

I think you might have meant the fanatic religious right. It is pretty important to make the differentiation.

Never would have guessed, Valhall.

I hope that you are not alone in your views and that more people of faith will come forward and encourage the President to change his stance on this issue.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 09:17 PM
According to fanatic religous right wing people stem cell research will bring satan from hell and demons will rule the world so they better kill the doctors and blow up the clinics as soon as possible.

Stem Cell research is needed. With it we could cure thousands of diseases and disabilities. We need it.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 09:25 PM
This is a very difficult situation. I am not the religious right but I still find this disturbing. Not stem cell research in itself - that is all well and good but it is the simple fact that a child must die in order to potentiall prolong the life and aged person or adult that distrubes me. As I said, I am not the religious right - I am not a Christian but I still find abortion to be murder from a purely scientific and emotional/moral standpoint. And that has nothing to do with religion. So, if abortion is the only means for conducting stem cell research then that is where I have the problem. Why can't they just clone these cells and take it from there? Why must they continue to harvest human babies to do their research? I am not totally up to speed on this subject so I may be misinformed - if so, help me out here. But as I see it the real issue isn't the research, it is the abortions necessary to contuct the research - so the real issue here is abortion - right?

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by FredT

Originally posted by Valhall
I think you might have meant the fanatic religious right. It is pretty important to make the differentiation.

Are they the ones that throw blood in front of Planned Parenthood, Kill people for performing abortions, attempt to force creation science in schools, claim condoms are evil yet refuse to adopt all the babies that are the result? etc etc. You would be correct in wanting to separate yourself from them. Alas is sometimes hard to sort you guys out without a playing card

Yes, as a matter of fact they would be. Here is my right-wing stance on these issues:

1. Planned Parenthood is good
2. Abortions are bad - BUT, this means, don't come crying to me about how it effected your psyche - you murdered the baby, I don't care how it hurt you. Also, please do not ask for my tax dollars to fund your murder. BUT, if you choose to murder your unborn baby, do so. - Unless it is partial-birth abortion...then you're not only a murderer, but some one who can't make up their mind to murder in time to not cause pain to a child that could live on its own. I still will not bomb you or throw blood on you - I probably will just pray there are less of you.
3. Stem cell research - there are babies being aborted every day. The only other option to using this tissue for stem cell research is to throw it in the trash. Why would you want to further hurt the unwanted soul by making it refuse, when you could use it to help Alzheimer's victims, Parkinsons' victims, or paralysis victims? To not use this tissue for the betterment of humankind is ludicrous.

I believe I can have my very staunch beliefs for or against certain issues, without ever impinging on another person's rights. I also believe that another person's right to make a really disgusting decision can be upheld, without government intervention - but it should be made with no request from me to support or finance it. You're on your own when you get into this area.

Stem cell research is logical. It is available in abundance (it's resources) and there is no moral or ethical reason for not pursuing it.

[edit on 7-6-2004 by Valhall]

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 09:50 PM
I am a huge supporter of stem cell and a big fan of Star Trek but there were extenuating circumstances that could have contributed to James Doohans situation.

Nothing against scotty but he did have a serious drinking problem for years ( this is fact) and I mean massive amounts of alcohol.

Sort of like Michael J. FOx contracting parkinsons at such a young age. Michael in his earlier years used to party very hard and did massive amounts of coc aine that'll screw with your system too.

So while I have massive sympathy toward the Doohan family and believe that stem cell research is neccessary still let's not think this hit Doohan all of a sudden.

He's been going down hill physically for at least the past ten years.

Still sad, but other things contributed to his demise.

Scotty still rules though!


posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by Spiderj
I am a huge supporter of stem cell and a big fan of Star Trek but there were extenuating circumstances that could have contributed to James Doohans situation.

No doubt each individual has a story to tell. However, more attention has been focus on Parkinsons and Alzhimers because high profile people are afflicted. Wish it were not that way but thats the way the world seems to work. And no stem cell research wont help Scotty or MJF, but its a start

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 06:02 AM
Actually, I believe the "high-profile" victims of these degenerative diseases, along with high-profile paralytics (Christopher Reeves, primarily) have been instrumental in keeping the need for research alive in these areas. Out of sight, out of mind...and the general afflicted populace is out of sight - let's face it. These people, who take their money and their microphone and push for the rest of us mic-less people do a lot.

Nancy Reagan is an angel to all who suffer from Alzheimer's...she has been, is and I firmly believe will continue to work hard for research (which includes stem cell research) toward finding a cure for this terrible disease.

Christopher Reeves is a prince among men as far as his fight for his own life and the fight for other's who are in his condition. He truly is still Superman in my eyes

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by Valhall
Actually, I believe the "high-profile" victims of these degenerative diseases, along with high-profile paralytics (Christopher Reeves, primarily
Nancy Reagan is an angel to all who suffer from Alzheimer's...she has been, is and I firmly believe will continue to work hard for research (which includes stem cell research) toward finding a cure for this terrible disease.

Yes, the Reagan family really handled themselves with dignity. And Nancy will be quite a warrior for the Alzheimer cause

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