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Johann Hari: The Under-Appreciated Heroes of 2010

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posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 05:17 PM
There are some people on the list whom I was aware of, and several others I had not heard of at all, and, not suprisingly, some on this list barely received a mention in the MSM, yet I found many of their stories to be inspiring and uplifting. We need more people like this in our world.

Who did we under-appreciate in 2010? In the endless whirr of 24/7 corporate news, the people who actually make a difference are often trampled in the stampede to the next forgettable news-nugget like Lady Gaga's meat-dress. So in the final moments of this year, let's look at a few people who deserved more of our attention.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 10:50 AM
An important topic but one that is too convoluted for my brain. All the people that I believe were doing extremely important work were completely outshadowed by some headline stealers who in many ways were working against the good of mankind a la Pres Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize!??? Still, I'll play this from my perspective.

For consistent performance on a wide range of issues, my 1st vote goes to Scott Creighton (aka willyloman at American Everyman). Scott's tireless efforts at bringing us the real story behind those official press releases is awe-inspiring and even more so as he does it completely without advertisement or requests for payment.

My second vote goes to Chris Hedges (Truthdig) for his relentless reporting of injustice around the world, most notably the Palestinian occupation by Israel. His recent anti-war protest in the snow outside the White House is just another example of his commitment to the cause.

I mean no offense to the hundreds of other truth campaigners who are probably just as deserving but just aren't on my radar as regularly.


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