posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 12:32 AM
Today marks my sixth year since I joined the really large family here at ATS. I, along with anyone else who has been here longer than me, can say that
we have seen some big changes here over the years. Along with the changes, I have had and am still having one fun ride on ATS. Since I have been here
six years, you'll probably ask the following question. "It says that you have been here for six years but you only have about 3K posts, why is
that?" Very simple really, I have had at least three computers crash on me in those six years. Other than that, I am almost always on ATS nowadays
just looking to find something that could get my interest. Needless to say that has happened recently.
In my six years here, I have made a lot of friends here on ATS. In those six years, I have probably made some enemies as well. Some of those enemies
may no longer be on this site. As for who it could be, I really have no idea who it could have been. I will say that I have changed since I joined the
ATS family. When I first started posting on here, I thought that I knew everything. Even though I lurked for somewhere close to nine months before I
made my first post on here. As it would eventually turn out, I was wrong on that statement within about six months. I can honestly say that I have
became much wiser and aware to our surrondings than what I was before I joined the family. In those six years, I have become more wiser and more aware
of what is going on. After that, I only have two more things to say about the ATS family.
Thank you to those who have made this possible and thanks to those who I have became friends with on here over the years.
Six years on the ATS network, who'd a thunk it??