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The Dialectical Imposition of Polarity Thinking

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posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 11:29 PM
*Moderators I apologize if this is in the wrong area. I had trouble reconciling myself, what forum it should be in.*

Hypnosis is the process by which a subject is manipulated using the subliminal suggestion technique. I was raised a Roman Catholic, so the obvious reference point for me to use, would be the biblical passage, "God created light, and saw that it was good". In doing so, *God* creates the Hegelian Dialectic. It isn't written, but in creating the "Light", *God* divides Light from Darkness. In calling the Light "good", our subconscious mind realizes the opposition cast between "good" and "bad". On the subconscious level, in an Aristotilian logic based system of thought, anytime we are exposed to one concept, we automatically process the opposite effect. We don't always realize the process, but in order to recognize something as being good, we must have a contrasting opposite, in order to evaluate the experience. So, Light is Good, and through subliminal suggestion, Dark is Bad.

The technique is replicated, and compounded through every waking thought a person dealing in dialectics has. There is no escape from this form of Mind Control. To be clear, we are referring mainly to Western Civilization logic processes. True and False based logic systems.

The major concept to identify, is the inherent duality value, of every thing, measured for the purpose of understanding more about "who we are, and where we are going in the (seeming) ocean of chaos". To clarify, if you take one person and ask him a series of questions using a "Like" and "Dislike" system of response mechanisms, the chances are, when asking another person the same series of questions, the answers will tend to be different. One may like bananas, and another may have an allergic reaction to them, thereby causing him to dislike.

In Mathematics, the sign for absolute value is: | |

How is the |absolute value| of a banana determined, based on such criteria? One person, thinks bananas are |Good|, while the other person thinks bananas are |Bad|. The reality of the situation is a surprising one indeed! In reality(special and general), the banana possesses qualities of both good, and bad. It is both, it is good, it is bad, and it is neither, all at the same time. People familiar with Quantum Mechanics, and/or I-Ching can understand this notion of totality with little more to be said. Are there people in this forum who have trouble discerning the point?

Consider the question: Are the Masons really Good, or, really Bad?

The answer of course, relies heavily on your current location in the Space/Time curicuulum. Masonry is Good, if you happen to be a Mason, for example(or someone aspiring to become a Freemason). The Freemasons are Bad, if for example you imagine them to be behind every problem you have with your life. ie. "They" are controlling us through various "Mind Control" tactics, in the infowar that is constantly being waged on you, day in and day out. The reality of the situation, is that, all at once, the Order of the Free and Accepted Masons, is good, bad, lukewarm, charitable, greedy, positive, negative, secret, and open.

The "End Game", is determined by your own personal biases on such a thing. The Free Masons can't be bad, unless they are also good. That's the working contrast behind all dialectical thought patterns. They simulaneously have all the power in the world over you, and, no power at all over you.

Does this make sense to anybody?

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 12:43 AM
Very well put JSG74. I have had this conversations several times with friends of mine, especially two who were philosophy majors in college, one in most part agreed and the other was mostly disinterested but that didn't stop me from rambling on.

I equate this to an individual's interpretation of reality, the polarity of consciousness, which is based more on biology than philosophy, since the biological process is the basis for cognition and is at its core a polarized system. which is to say, two independent hemispheres of the brain, performing opposite tasks while communicating through the corpus collosum to generate an individuals view of reality. I believe this is why there are two different interpretations for the same experiences, and are categorized as left-brained or right-brained.

The most basic example of this is white and black, which works well with light and dark. White and black are defined in opposite terms, not only to each other, but within themselves as well. for example, white (light) is defined in a basic scientific term (left-brained) as the collection of all color. But in an artistic sense (right-brained) it is the absence of color. A clear and opposite example.

This is only our interpretation of reality because in the universe these absolutes don't actually exist. As far as I know, there is no example of either definition of absolute white or black. It is an invented concept to generalize experience and aid in the explanation of reality. The same can be said for all experience and judgments relating to consciousness.

I believe right and wrong are also created absolutes, and have similar examples of opposition in definition. There is no such example of right or wrong in the universe, just shades of gray which are determined by the perception of the individual at the time of the event. When I came to this realization I was able to remove myself from judgment, and consequently, hatred toward mankind. that was a good day.

I could go on and on, as some of my friends know, but ill leave it at that for now. Thanks for bringing this up and I look forward to what others have to say.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by Blogbuster
Very well put JSG74. I have had this conversations several times with friends of mine, especially two who were philosophy majors in college, one in most part agreed and the other was mostly disinterested but that didn't stop me from rambling on.

I equate this to an individual's interpretation of reality, the polarity of consciousness, which is based more on biology than philosophy, since the biological process is the basis for cognition and is at its core a polarized system. which is to say, two independent hemispheres of the brain, performing opposite tasks while communicating through the corpus collosum to generate an individuals view of reality. I believe this is why there are two different interpretations for the same experiences, and are categorized as left-brained or right-brained.

The most basic example of this is white and black, which works well with light and dark. White and black are defined in opposite terms, not only to each other, but within themselves as well. for example, white (light) is defined in a basic scientific term (left-brained) as the collection of all color. But in an artistic sense (right-brained) it is the absence of color. A clear and opposite example.

This is only our interpretation of reality because in the universe these absolutes don't actually exist. As far as I know, there is no example of either definition of absolute white or black. It is an invented concept to generalize experience and aid in the explanation of reality. The same can be said for all experience and judgments relating to consciousness.

I believe right and wrong are also created absolutes, and have similar examples of opposition in definition. There is no such example of right or wrong in the universe, just shades of gray which are determined by the perception of the individual at the time of the event. When I came to this realization I was able to remove myself from judgment, and consequently, hatred toward mankind. that was a good day.

I could go on and on, as some of my friends know, but ill leave it at that for now. Thanks for bringing this up and I look forward to what others have to say.

If, by biology, you are referring to the Nervous System in all living creatures, i would agree in part.
Reality is experienced, in large part through the nervous system of our bodies. I don't think that the experience is in and of itself, a polarized response. In western society, for sure! But there are exceptions to the rule, ie I-Ching, or Quantum Mechanics.

It is easy to categorize the brain into the two hemispheres you mention, but the science itself, would appear to be an elaboration of the dualistic notions that dominate the thought process. it's a convenient system, for anyone who requires it, at whatever junction they require it for. I don't know what a corpus collosum is, and i'm too lazy at this hour to look it up!(lol, sorry!) Left brained, right brained, it's all phrenology, right? A view that will be modified as all science is modified, after a rigorous testing period where all the control valves are let loose for the purpose of further understanding, our current predicament as a Global entity, in the current Space/Time reading.

For me, rather than use white(additive) and black(subtractive), I tend to categorize things in term of the Positive, and Negative polarity aspects(when confining my thoughts to Aristotlian logic patterns for the sake of simplicity, that is).
That's an interesting idea I had not considered until now.

I agree with you on the idea that absolutes don't actually exist, up and to a point. Understanding, when using the thought process in my first post, if something doesn't exist, then, intrinsically, it has to exist. This is the paradox staircase of polarity thought. We are here, discussing these things. So on one level, you're right, the Universe is merely divided light, multiplied exponentially until there is no reliable way to "keep score". If it is invented, then we must accept that we, as a collective consciousness, invented it. Subsequently, we can control it(to varying *degrees*).

The absolute value of a thing, is determined by our individual life experience, as we weigh the pro's and con's for nearly every decision we make, asides from those we make out of habit, ie. after we've assigned absolute value, reaction factor becomes more and more automatic (habitual).

Do you have a favorite song, or movie? How about a song or movie you just hate?! Absolute value lies in our notion of a things merit, to our own personal experience. When you realize that nothing is worth anything in contrast to the vastness of the Cosmos, "catharsis" occurs, and you begin to find a meaningless meaning.

We can sit still and not reacte all we want, there is no dissipating into the collective light beam of collected reality. So why not make the best of it while we're here(or, until we do!).

Right and Wrong, White and Black. Happy Sad. Two measurements of the same |absolute value|, which in the case of Happy and Sad, is |"how you feel"|.

I hope someone out there can understand this, and add to the discussion of it! On a similar note Blogbuster, feel free to chat our heads off! I can guarantee you, I at least, will read every word!

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 04:05 AM
a sequence of words:


and another:


the meaning of the word "palm" is being forceably acted upon by the subsequent word. initially, there is a certain "quantum is-ness", but by the time you get to the second word, the potentiality is collapsed into a certainty and it is very difficult, if not impossible, to return "palm" to its initial state unbounded by context.

this is the tyranny of dialectics and, although you seem to want to believe that this condition is something that we as human-intelligences have imposed on reality, it is well established that most known processes in the universe (including the physical, biological, and computational sciences) operate on a "threshold ON" "threshold OFF" decision procedure.

i find that your presentation is a bit wandering and your need to improperly invoke the mathematical concept of absolute value is puzzling. you seem to have a genuine philosophical intuition and it would serve you well to READ so that you might better apply your concepts.

ETA: it is important for me to acknowledge, however, that the "enlightened" state of the soul is usually represented by a return to the point of view "unbounded by context". this is an highly advanced state of being which is not particularly practical or functional....which is why you will see spiritual sages chillin out in monasteries. also, there is no way (aside from manipulating your neural chemistry) to short-cut the learning process. you must pass through the Good vs. Evil dialectic to get to the other side. in other words, sitting around musing about meaninglessness is meaningless.

best to you

edit on 25-12-2010 by tgidkp because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by tgidkp
a sequence of words:


and another:


the meaning of the word "palm" is being forceably acted upon by the subsequent word. initially, there is a certain "quantum is-ness", but by the time you get to the second word, the potentiality is collapsed into a certainty and it is very difficult, if not impossible, to return "palm" to its initial state unbounded by context.

this is the tyranny of dialectics and, although you seem to want to believe that this condition is something that we as human-intelligences have imposed on reality, it is well established that most known processes in the universe (including the physical, biological, and computational sciences) operate on a "threshold ON" "threshold OFF" decision procedure.

i find that your presentation is a bit wandering and your need to improperly invoke the mathematical concept of absolute value is puzzling. you seem to have a genuine philosophical intuition and it would serve you well to READ so that you might better apply your concepts.

ETA: it is important for me to acknowledge, however, that the "enlightened" state of the soul is usually represented by a return to the point of view "unbounded by context". this is an highly advanced state of being which is not particularly practical or functional....which is why you will see spiritual sages chillin out in monasteries. also, there is no way (aside from manipulating your neural chemistry) to short-cut the learning process. you must pass through the Good vs. Evil dialectic to get to the other side. in other words, sitting around musing about meaninglessness is meaningless.

best to you

edit on 25-12-2010 by tgidkp because: (no reason given)

I'm sorry, your post makes very little sense to me.

The meaning of the word "palm" is not being forcibly acted upon. With or without subsequence, the word "palm" has a linguistic |meaning|. It's commonly known as, a "definition"(psst, or "absolute value" in mathmatical terms).

Applying our level of understanding to each word in your example, a visual is "formed". Your example "palm hand tree" reads like a Rorschach blotter by the way! ;D ex. Using the palm of my hand, I visualize the usefulnes of a Tree of Life(I dream of Jeannie, anyone?)

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "collapsed potentiality". Sounds like "over thinking, over analyzing" to me! Context has little to do with the actual application of the words, regardless of their "order". ie. the |absolute value|, or "meaning" remains intact no matter what combination you apply.

"Tyranny of dialectics"? Meaning? And no, I don't believe we as "human-intelligences"(do you mean sentient?) impose our view of reality, onto reality(that's cyclical logic). I'm not sure what you read in my post to make that assumption, but clearly I suggest that the *God* form, initiated the condition of "reaction" for us, long before WE, prioritized our perceptive faculties according to our understanding of the role we play in Nature. You seem to be suggesting(threshold on threshold off) that everything is governed by polarity position. How do you account for something like Quantum Mechanics?

"i find that your presentation is a bit wandering and your need to improperly invoke the mathematical concept of absolute value is puzzling. you seem to have a genuine philosophical intuition and it would serve you well to READ so that you might better apply your concepts."

Can you specifically explain what you mean by this, by providing a specific, and contrasting view? How am I applying the concept of |absolute value| incorrectly? Are you suggesting that I don't read? I'm actually enrolled in algebraic studies at my local university, so, forgive me for saying so, but I think you need to stop reading, or at least, slow down your habit of rushing through the details, in anticipation of your turn to speak. Failure to specify your disposition, is another kind of Rorschach blotter, and it allows me to gain insight into your personal agendas where the construct of reality is concerned.

Forgive my asking, I mean no offence, but, are you Jewish?

It is important for me to indicate, that the state of "enlightenment", isn't something the "soul" measures and/or quantifies. First, you'd have to demonstrate that there is actually a "soul"(or Golem) to elaborate into.

"ETA: it is important for me to acknowledge, however, that the "enlightened" state of the soul is usually represented by a return to the point of view "unbounded by context"."
Estimated Time of Arrival: i'm sorry but your last paragraph makes little to no sense, at all, to me. "Unbound by context" is representative of Linguistic Anarchy(language revolution, anyone?). You suggest that understanding this concept, achieves some kind of higher understanding(order). You have yet to demonstrate the value of such a notion.

Spiritual sages chillin out in monasteries, represents "spiritual stagnation", as the purpose of Life, is to Live! Who said I was looking for a shortcut based on Neurological Impulse? Can you back that up by quoting me? Again, your state of assumption gumption forces me to evaluate who I am speaking to, and what is their "personal"(or communal) agenda. It would appear to me, that by not referring to specific items in my post, coupled with the "palm hand tree" example, yuor personal agenda is to come across as superior in some way, based on your level of some type of understanding. Intellectual masturbation, anyone?

You should probably slow down, and try READING my posts again.

Believe me, I have passed through the dialectal imposition or polarities. I figured, I should probably start somewhere! Thank you for providing a voice of opposition! That hones my skillz|zzzz| Next/>?

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 10:32 AM
I like what Wayne Dyer says in Excuses Be Gone

Fuse the dichotomies and seperate from outcome. The Tao Te Jing

When people see some things as beautiful,
other things become ugly.
When people see some things as good,
other things become bad.

Being and non-being create each other.
Difficult and easy support each other.
Long and short define each other.
High and low depend on each other.
Before and after follow each other.

Therefore the Master
acts without doing anything
and teaches without saying anything.
Things arise and she lets them come;
things disappear and she lets them go.
She has but doesn't possess,
acts but doesn't expect.
When her work is done, she forgets it.
That is why it lasts forever.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by superluminal11

Awe Inspiring!!!
Thank you very much for sharing that with us!

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