posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 07:53 PM
I've been dreaming and journeying lately in regards to our solar system, the planets within it, the kuiper belt and the nature of everything in
Lately lots of threads have been popping up in regards to the hollow earth theory and a thought occurred to me this evening that perhaps if all
planets are indeed hollow as many sources would have us beleive, that this could account for the overall lack of physical matter in the Asteroid
I can imagine the solar system starting out as spinning balls of fiery gas held in orbit by our amazing sun. As they continue to spin they pull
towards them all manner of debris that is floating through the system. A user gave an analogy on another thread which I will use where he referred to
a potters wheel, spinning the clay as it pushes away from the center of the spinning table.
So perhaps there is indeed some substance to the notion of our hollow earths, with pulsing stars deep inside which heat an outer shell of collected
Could this not also make more sense of the idea of pole shifts, plate movements and every other aspect of our ever shifting planetary body.
I suppose the simple fact is we just do not know at this time, at least, publicly.
I'd like to open the floor to the experts on ATS, as self proclaimed as you may be, please enlighten me to the possibility of a hollow Maldek theory,
I will be posting information on the subject as I collect it.