posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 05:34 AM
I would say that the exact opposite is true; the internet and social networking is one of the greatest achievements our civilization has accomplished.
You can say what you want about global unification and one world governments, but our only hope as a race is to stop functioning within borders and
countries and start to think of ourselves as one global civilization, use our collective knowledge for cultural and technological advancement.
Social networks are the first step in that direction. There are no countries on the internet.
And as far as technology is concerned, you don't really have a choice. Well, you do, but it is not a choice any rational person should make. You can
always choose to not use technology, be off the grid or whatever you call it, but you have to be aware that you will be loosing a great deal of
advantages technology has to offer, and the rest of the world will just pass you by and not care even one bit.
I think people who choose to do that basically are not able to deal with the world as it is, are probably too old and scared, and that's fine...
Young people should not be against technology, but should do everything they can to get involved, because, well, the future of the human race depends
on that, as dramatic as that may sound... I'm 26, and i get really annoyed when people my age start to say things like the OP.