posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by OpTiMuS_PrImE
Your thread may have some truth to it and perhaps many of the people you claim were involved in helping to pull off 911 may have been Jewish. However
it is a well known fact that many Jews own major world banks, many of whom own major world corporations. It is common knowledge that Jewish people
are highly educated and know how to make money. It is common knowledge that many Jews are high up in our political system and world governments. In
fact Jews are in just about every field of work known to man.
Most of this information coming from these videos is the author’s opinions perhaps if he had shown most of his source then maybe there might be some
truth to all this.
What I find really disturbing is how this whole packaged is put together and presented.
It is very clear the author of this context express himself as having a dislike to the Jewish culture and its people.
The proof is not only in his and your language, but the strong anti-Semitism choice of words you both chose to use in your presentation.
Most people are aware of the corruption in our world governments and we know how corrupt most of the global corporations are working with our
We all know there are many criminal cartels in most world government; this is not new to any of us.
Just because some Jewish people may have been involved in helping to pull off 911, it doesn’t mean the whole Israeli government was in on it.
I am convince certain members of the Bush administration were involved in helping to pull off this false flag. However, by no means do I think our
whole government had anything to do with these criminal acts. Most people in our military and government are ignorant to the real facts and that
includes most of Israel government.
edit on 24-12-2010 by impressme because: (no reason given)