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Warnings from Physicians, Dentist and Scientist on the dangers of Fluoridation (from 1965)

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posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 01:22 AM
Hi guys,
A couple of months ago i was in a second hand book store and found a 23 page booklet titled

"When Doctors Disagree"

Warnings from Physicians, Dentist and Scientist around the world on the known dangers and possible hazards of Fluoridation.
This Booklet was put together in 1965! by 4 committee's opposing the mass Fluoridation of water.

The book contains articles written by Physicians, Dentist and Scientist about the dangers on Fluoride in our water supply. It also raises the issue that this is mass medication and it should be a choice if we wish to consume fluriod or not.
One part I found interesting is page 15 "Fluoridation will add unnecessarily to Tax Burden and Cost of Living"
It will cost 1/5 less to provide children with fluoride tablets then to contaminate the water with it.


Read book here

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 01:43 AM
You can get a gallon of distilled water for less than a dollar. Drink that if you're so concerned.
But the amounts they put in the water aren't enough to cause any damage. i rented a review of all the studies from the library, after I saw the MSDS for sodium flouride. It really won't cause you any harm at the dosages in our water supply.. However, it didn't mention any studies done that looked at its effects on the brain, which was a little suspicious.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by Ghost374

Well, i think they put enough in to the point where it will have an effect on you, but not too much to the point where people will start to notice that it's poison. Its not just the drinking water you have to worry about. You also take daily showers in that water, which gets in thru your skin, as well as the toothpaste you use every time you brush your teeth.
Probably other ways it can get into your system

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 01:59 AM
lol..that picture... like the guy has to be made to open his mouth. Surely that is not really a picture that was used.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by ChaosMagician

Lol that is the picture that was used in the booklet its the final page.
The book is not just about the effects it has on the body but the fact that it was forced down peoples throats.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 04:46 AM

Originally posted by Ghost374

But the amounts they put in the water aren't enough to cause any damage. i rented a review of all the studies from the library, after I saw the MSDS for sodium flouride. It really won't cause you any harm at the dosages in our water supply.. However, it didn't mention any studies done that looked at its effects on the brain, which was a little suspicious.

How many glasses of water per day with fluoride are safe? If you cook with fluoridated water and drink fluoridated water, is it safe using that much?

Nope. And Nope. Even BATHING in fluoridated water is not safe. Fluoride breaks down in the water system and one of it's byproducts is breaks down into is an ACID that will EAT THRU GLASS.

Again the Fluoride they put in public water systems is "Technical Grade". It contains other byproducts as the fluoride is a hazardous waste from a manufacturing activity. They didn't know what to do with all this waste....Then there's the CIA saying we'll take it and pour it into the public water to do good. Prevents crime by dumbing down the populace and creates JOBS by making people sick so they have to go to doctor from getting poisoned.

Fluoride =BAD.

Otherwise your Toothpaste wouldn't have a notice to call Poison Control if you swallow it.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by wycky

While I respect your idea of quoting science that's over 40 years old, didn't Doctors say that smoking was just fine for your health in the 60's as well?

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 03:25 PM
While it's true that fluoride does help with dental health on a TOPICAL use and low concentration...

The word topical is derived from the Ancient Greek topos (plural: topoi), meaning "place" or "location".

Somebody really has to explain to people why they need it entering their digestive system and spreading all over the body.
Until they find dental problems in the brain i will keep thinking it's for the same exact reason Russian Gulags fluoridated their water supply aswell.

They want to keep you happy, because ignorance is trully bliss i guess.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by zcflint05
reply to post by wycky

While I respect your idea of quoting science that's over 40 years old, didn't Doctors say that smoking was just fine for your health in the 60's as well?

Not all doctors did, a lot of doctors were against it.
People got the idea of smoking being "ok" with doctors because of advertising campaigns.
Same thing with fluoride going into our water was helped promoted by dentist in advertising campaigns.

The reason i posted this article was to show that 50 years ago health care professionals were telling the people and governments how bad this stuff is for you, but it was still done and forced down our throats, nothing has changed. Unless you can get into the MSM no believes you or cares.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by Ghost374
You can get a gallon of distilled water for less than a dollar. Drink that if you're so concerned.
But the amounts they put in the water aren't enough to cause any damage. i rented a review of all the studies from the library, after I saw the MSDS for sodium flouride. It really won't cause you any harm at the dosages in our water supply.. However, it didn't mention any studies done that looked at its effects on the brain, which was a little suspicious.

The amounts you consume at one time are low and may be safe, however:
From Page 5 of the booklet by Dr. Jonathan Forman 1960's

It is know that such vital organs as the kidneys, thyroid, aorta, liver, lungs and others can be sites of an unusually high fluoride build-up. No matter how small the amount of fluoride in the diet, a part of it tends to accumulate in the body.

Recent Website:

The kidneys are responsible for ridding the body of ingested fluoride, and thereby preventing the buildup of toxic levels of fluoride in the body.

In healthy adults, the kidneys are able to excrete approximately 50% of an ingested dose of fluoride.

However, in adults with kidney disease the kidneys may excrete as little as 10 to 20% of an ingested dose - thus increasing the body burden of fluoride and increasing an individual's susceptibility to fluoride poisoning (e.g. renal osteodystrophy).

40 - 50 years later and still saying the same thing, Fluoride will build up in the body
edit on 22/12/2010 by wycky because: Forgot something :-D

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 02:03 AM
I don't understand this issue at can people walk around thinking its safe or ok? I cant stand water anymore. I boil or at least filter my water before drinking it anymore. Water is so full of chemicals now that if I turn my faucet on hot and let it run for a minute the water turns white from the chlorine evaporating. Its disgusting when I can watch (and smell) the chlorine and chemicals evaporate just from having my water on hot. I have found that prolonged contact with my water (long shower/bath, dishes, washing a vehicle etc) actually makes my skin dry and irritated! (not just me but my room mates as well) How that works is beyond me but its irritating and unnatural.

I grew up living in the middle of freaking no where on natural well water is not water as far as I am concerned. It is a liquid solution with water as a base. The difference is that big.

I can find TONS of studies that show how its bad for you...yet I cant seem to find hardly anything that shows its benefits (other then sub par crap about preventing cavities...which can be done without any fluoride whatsoever). Type in "proof flouride is ok to ingest" in google...wont find any proof there...keep searching. All I am digging up is that its poisonous (hence poison control number on tube of toothpaste) and that the government isn't even wanting to regulate it...they just want to pour it into the system...

They claim it is to prevent cavities. Most cavities happen in school age children. So essentially I am gathering that people are being too crappy of parents to care for there children and the government is trying to fix it all...funny thing is that fluoride alone wont fix the cavity why is it being used as the solution?

The only sources that say it is good also state that the only source of fluoride for the average person is fluoridated water and toothpaste.

If its so healthy for us show me some proof. And if its so beneficial then how did people get along for thousands of years without it?

There are natural/artificial levels of fluoride in many foods apparently. Why is this not enough?

Various inputs to foods contain fluorides in their natural state. It is believed the fluoride is absorbed from the soil. Some such foods high in fluoride are:

* Processed cereals often contain concentrated fluoride. Cereals processed in a fluoridated area had fluoride concentrations ranging from 3.8 – 6.3 ppm
* Juices. Data show that children who frequently drink substantial quantities of juice consume large amounts of fluorides and should not receive dietary fluoride supplements
* Soda. 71 percent of the sodas have fluoride levels exceeding 0.60 ppm which means sufficient fluoride so that dietary fluoride supplements are contraindicated.
* Tea which is one of the most popular drinks in the United States may be a source of harmful levels of fluoride.
* Fresh fruit and vegetables.
* Wine and beer.
* Mechanically deboned chicken. Fluoride contributed by foods that are made with mechanically separated chicken can increase the risk of mild dental fluorisis for children less than eight years of age.
* Seafood. Fish has the highest level of fluoride levels especially canned fish.
* Cottage cheese, noodles, mashed potatoes, rice, spinach, spaghetti and sauce, cooked peas, baked ham, sausage chocolate cake, roasted pork and whole wheat bread.

edit on 4-1-2011 by Dennislp3 because: Amended post

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 12:18 PM
I have lived in a small town for the last 30 years. They only started fluoridating H2O since about 2002 or thereabouts. We moved out of town to a more rural spot in 2001 where all our water comes from our own well. My kids have been raised without fluoride in their water. A few years ago, when I first became aware of the risks of fluoride, I quit buying any toothpaste that had fluoride in it. I remember when I was a kid in school, they said in science class that fluoride was poisonous. I thought "ummm....ok, so why is it in our water and toothpaste?" This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by Ghost374

I would like to point out the fact that sodium fluoride is cumulative, and will continue to build up in your system for all of your life that you consume it. Unfortunately, it has a nasty habit of binding to the calcium in your body and depositing itself everywhere that the calcium does.

It is capable of getting passed the blood-brain barrier, especially when any hydrolyzed soy protein, aspartame/acesulfame, or monosodium glutamate are involved.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 07:22 AM
I know this is an old thread that just recently got bumped but...

The place the F-poison stores in our body is in the dead center of our brains, called the pineal gland. It actually calcsifies the gland to make it nearly unuseable. This is 1000% fact. Thanks for the freedom of choice government.

This is an interesting read for the conspiracy theroist i recently came across..

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