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The Pentagram - Not What You Think It Is

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posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 12:59 AM
The pentagram is probably the most misunderstood symbol in use today. And it is EVERYWHERE. You can hardly leave your home without seeing it.

What does 8 - 2 mean and how does it relate to the pentagram? Why is the apple a symbol of hidden knowledge? Keep reading.

The most common and quite incorrect belief regarding the pentagram is that it is evil, or is related to Satan. This was a popularized notion both in some 19th century literature and later resurrected with the Satanic "scare" of the 1980's in America (If you are old enough you remember). However, the symbol was merely co-opted, and poorly so, in order to wage a religious war against the re-emergence of pagan belief systems in western culture.

The second lie is that the symbol is different if "right side up" or "upside down". You will see later in this post how this cannot be so, but for now I will just say that such a claim suffers from a problem of orientation, for it is not an up / down symbol but a generally circular one, which has no up or down.

At this point I must caution that some of my sources have their own misconstrued ideas regarding the pentagram, but they are referenced more for the historical use of the symbol. e.g., the pentagram once represented the five wounds of Christ on the cross, but this was not the original meaning nor would it stick, obviously. The origins of the pentagram are lost in history, but the symbol is most certainly a potent one - and one that has been with us since the beginnings of civilization. The oldest depiction of the pentagram was found on pottery created by the Sumerians, and discovered by modern archaeology.

pagans path

The earliest known use of the pentagram can be found around 3500 BC at Ur of the Chaldees in Ancient Mesopotamia. It was found here on fragments of broken pottery with some of the earliest findings of written language.


It was the nineteenth century Occultist, Eliphas Levi who is falsely credited for first differentiated between the good and evil aspects of the five-pointed star or pentagram.
(though in other references, he is credited with it)

The point is that Levi was the center point of the modern mythos of the pentagram having an orientation and applying a positive / negative aspect to it. Misunderstood, Levi was combining two symbols for his own practice, that of the pentagram and that of the yin/yang, thereby imbuing the pentagram with polarity. Later this polarity was incorrectly construed as the good / evil paradigm.

The Pentagram is all around you. Just look!

The pentagram is the central symbol of many flags, including the Texas flag, the American Flag and the Chilean flag (amongst others). The natural response of most individuals is that they are “just stars”. Really? What do you think the blue behind the “stars” represents? Why do they use five pointed stars? Why not 4 or 6? The clue is what the blue represents.

Sky. Blue sky. Aka, the heavens. That’s your clue.

Where else is the symbol found? Masonic lodges. Pentagrams are often affixed to the outside of masonic lodges. What do Masonic lodges hide? They hide knowledge, hidden knowledge. What does the apple represent in the story of Adam and Eve? Hidden knowledge. It was the fruits of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (in subsequent mythology). It’s not the good and evil that is the most important part of that statement though, it’s the knowledge that was hidden from man.

The pentagram is all over the Texas Capital, and all over Texas for that matter. You can’t go anywhere without seeing them – on bridge supports, as symbols over walkways and embedded in concrete walkways. They are everywhere. They are also found within the U.S. Senate Chamber, in the architectural layout of DC with the capital building at the point. The pentagon is type of pentagram. They are on American military aircraft.


Why are they used so extensively? The answer is in the symbol itself.
The pentagram represents the secret knowledge of the heavens.

Why was the apple often portrayed as the forbidden fruit. Grab an apple cut it in half across it instead of the "normal" way. This is what you get. A pentagram. The apple was used to portray secret knowledge because it was secretly used as a place holder for the pentagram.


And now to what the pentagram actually represents and why it has been used to denote hidden knowledge, particularly that of the heavens. The ancients had knowledge of the heavens, which they should not have had, and the pentagram is the depiction of this forbidden knowledge.

The pentagram is the representation of the correlation of orbits between Earth and Venus. (watch below). This orbital pattern occurs in 8 years less 2 days (earth time).


And now you know what pentagrams actually represent. They are a pictograph of an orbital pattern that should have not been known to the ancients, but somehow was. And now, tptb put pentagrams everywhere. They are insinuating that they have some hidden knowledge of the heavens. That is what they are saying! The only remaining question is what knowledge of the heavens are they holding from us?

Hope you have found this thread both informative and entertaining!

edit on 20-12-2010 by pirhanna because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 01:39 AM
Wow,this is a lot of info to digest. I'm guilty to think the pentagram was an upside down star though.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by Razmijix
Wow,this is a lot of info to digest. I'm guilty to think the pentagram was an upside down star though.

Ya, tell me about it. This post took forever to put together. I was just running into a lot of people recently that had these visceral reactions when shown a "pentagram" (you know the scary black with funny symbols kind) And yet they had no idea they looked at pentagrams nearly every day. I figured it would be a good idea to shed some light on the issue.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 03:15 AM
Good post OP!

You've said that the Pentagram has nothing to do with evil and good but with hidden knowledge.

The hidden knowledge, knowing evil and good is actually the true origin of the Human beings' fall.

God has given us a system:

God as the Creator, the Perfect, the ONE who knows EVERTHING, is our reference. What God says is good is really good for us, what God says is evil for us is TRULY evil for us ... there is no need to test it by ourselves just because we are not able to control our lives anymore, the game is too big for us. God asks us to trust him and to obey him, isn't he our Creator and the Creator of ALL THING. By accepting to choose by ourselves to do good and evil, look at the result on us, Humanity is struggeling, we've become worst than beasts.... That's the true test of this short terrestrial life: to give back this huge responsability (to be able to choose good and evil) to God ALONE.

Satan's doctrine is opposed to God's recommandation: Satan recommands the people to explore all the paths good and evil, that way, we'll become ourselves godlikes.... that's a stupid idea just because there is ONLY ONE GOD, God has created everything and nobody has created the least atom, the more we explore evil the more our soul is dark and the end, it's total darkness and total perdition. We have nto the ability to do evil and good, it's far beyond our control. This ideology is exactly the one of the New Age, the one which is promoted just right now and which will be headed by Maitreya, aka Raj Patel, the Son of Satan.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 03:20 AM
Misunderstood symbols are prevalent in todays society, without a doubt.

Very interesting post, and informative.

Dont know if it was mentioned (or even if im 100% accurate), but i believe a pentagram with one elongated point is generally associated with "evil-doing."

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 03:45 AM
You my friend are about to embark on amazing mindblowing quest.
At the moment though you are just at the tip of the iceberg.
U2U me if you would like some pointers, and wether or not you would allow me to share my findings. Yeah normally id post immediately but theres a lot to read and digest!

Im not piss taking either.
Choice is yours. I cant show and prove truth all i can do is guide you and others, its you that decides what to believe.
Many thanks.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 04:36 AM
Thanks for the thread, a valid point that was well written. I agree with this, I wonder why they want to keep it for themselves. It sounds like arrogance to me.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by sinohptik
Misunderstood symbols are prevalent in todays society, without a doubt.

Very interesting post, and informative.

Dont know if it was mentioned (or even if im 100% accurate), but i believe a pentagram with one elongated point is generally associated with "evil-doing."

I wasn't aware of that, but this thread was only meant to be a kind of synopsis of the subject, with the most important aspect - that the pentagram was always about the correlation of orbits between Earth and Venus.

I actually thought more people would find it interesting to discover that something they thought, and has been perpetuated for hundreds of years, was just shown quite conclusively to be false through studious writing and thorough research.

*shrug* Guess I forgot to include wikileaks in the title.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:44 AM
Don`t be discouraged, some of us have already seen a thread similar to this and would merely like to give the others a chance to discuss. I`m curious why occcultists like to draw pentagrams on the floor and put candles at the points or have people (possibly holding candles?) standing at the points, and maybe 1 person in the middle? Or is this just the stuff of movies? Or is it just that they are misguided like the rest of us? Just curious, I have no opinion one way or the other at this moment. But this was interesting the last time I saw it come around and I appreciate the mind snack. hehe

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posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by doctor j and inmate c5779
Don`t be discouraged, some of us have already seen a thread similar to this and would merely like to give the others a chance to discuss. I`m curious why occcultists like to draw pentagrams on the floor and put candles at the points or have people (possibly holding candles?) standing at the points, and maybe 1 person in the middle? Or is this just the stuff of movies? Or is it just that they are misguided like the rest of us? Just curious, I have no opinion one way or the other at this moment. But this was interesting the last time I saw it come around and I appreciate the mind snack. hehe

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

I would say that these ritualists are often misguided in a similar manner to everyone else.

From the perspective of the esoteric function of the pentagram, I think it remains. The pentagram does still quite truthfully represent the hidden mysteries of the heavens, and therefor continues to fill the function of representing the cosmic unknown.

Also, ritual is about stimulating the subconscious mind. That's all it is. And therefor the subconscious mind can use wrongly ascribed symbols quite effectively. They will be processed at the subconscious level with the meaning that the practitioner holds within his mind.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 12:13 PM
The one, true meaning (yes, there is one) of the pentagram - like the hexagram and other stars - is mathematical. All other cultural and religious interpretations are derivative and not fundamental.

In order to understand the mathematical meaning of geometrical symbols (as opposed to their secondary meanings, which are merely relative to the cultures in which they are found), one has to construct them from the template of sacred geometry. This is the Pythagorean tetractys:
That is not, as you might think, a dogmatic statement. The evidence for this assertion is overwhelming and is provided at:
in mathematical research articles that will take you probably months to read.

What this means is that, when the triangular points of the pentagram are turned into tetractyses, you generate 45 dots. Now let's put a dot in its centre. So we have 46 dots. Know what that number is? It's the human diploid number - the number of chromosomes in the human cell. So the pentagram is embodying a number that quantifies human microbiology.

But it gets better. How many dots are needed to delineate the shape of the pentagram, i.e., how many lie on its boundary? Count them up and you will see that there are 30. Formally including its centre as the starting point, 31 dots are needed to create the form of the pentagram. What is the significance of this? Well, one of the ancient holy Names of God is EL (Hebrew: AL). According to gematria, A (aleph) has the value 1 and L (lamed) has the value 30. So the 31 dots are the representation of EL, which means "God." We then see that 46 = 31 + 15. What is the number 15? It is the gematria number value of YAH (Hebrew: YH), another Name of God.

It gets even better. Assign the natural integers 1, 2, 3, etc to the centre and 30 dots on the boundary of the pentagram and you generate the number 496 as their sum. What is 496? It is the mysterious number at the heart of superstring theory, being the dimension of the Lie groups O(32) and E8xE8, the two symmetry groups describing the forces between different types of superstrings. The pentagram is arithmetically connected to superstring theory through its construction from tetractyses.

So now we know just a small piece of the information encoded in the geometry of the pentagram, let us stop playing serious attention to its symbolism (even its original symbolism, which can mean different things to different cultures and religions). It is its archetypal, or mathematical, meaning that counts. That has not been known until a few years ago. How scientific information is contained in sacred geometries is analyzed at the above link.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 05:48 PM
FINALLY some info that makes a lot of sense other than that mambo-jumbo christian mithology.ITS a great find.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 06:32 PM


posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 06:32 PM


posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 06:56 PM
perverting the pentacle is just one way certain factions of the christian doctrine have mitigated their propaganda war against pagan cultures.

another is the image of "the devil": cloven feet, horns, beard, tail.
that is actually the image of the Celtic deity Cernunnos, a fertility god and lord of the forest.

as well, the cloven footed devil is a twist of "pan" from greek mythology.

and while certain christian factions had no problem perverting symbols that were sacred to others, they also had no problem commandeering other sacred rituals, and naming them as their own.

Christmas is piggy-backing on Yule (the winter solstice) [this has been discussed on ATS oft times].

Easter has close ties with the Germanic deity Ostara, who is a fertility goddess, celebrated in the time of spring, whose symbols are... wait for it... bunny rabbits and eggs. her name in anglo-saxon traditions is Eostre.

now, i truly do not have issue with Christianity as a form of spiritual practice.
i suppose it is the mudslinger that riles me up. keep your devils to yourself!

PS a blessed Yule, and watch for the eclipse. truly a charmed evening 'tis shall be.

edit on 20-12-2010 by mythos because: word jumble

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 06:56 PM
The venus/pentagram connection (thru the oribit) is true. I have heard this indirectly from a spirit which communicated at length for several months with my best friend several years ago. It was all wierd but I recall the pentagram issue via automatic writing (thru my friend) to me.

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