posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 10:35 PM
Well i know theres a bunch of weird dreams and i've had many of them, but this one is pretty least when i dreamt it...i'd like all
feedback ..thanks
anyway heres my dream:
when i went downstairs there was a bunch of people around these two people...i cant really remember the exact terms...they seemed made up...but these
two people had to win a "bunt ticket" or something like doing somethin i dont remember...but this was the #ed up part..
after they won the ticket, the both had guns and they had to shoot each other until someone was dead..
I didnt even know that was planned and they j ust started shooting each other and there was like perimedics and # everywhere to watch it...and once
the girl fell on the floor i was screaming "WHY ARENT YOU HELPING HER?" and my friend said "they have to wait 10 they know she's
really dead, thats the point"
Then wtf is the point of a medic if he's not gonna save her...but i just cried a little cuz i think i knew the girl.....
so then everyone was happy cuz the city won the 'bunt ticket' lol...i saw one of my friends and she was like holdin my was kind of
she basically dragged me to see the next one down the street...we didnt' get there in time but we saw the shootin in the distance..when i got there
there was an anouncer who was sayin who died...i didnt really understand what he said but i heard my uncle and i just started bawling..
but when i went to go ask the announcer, he turned into my uncle and he started talking about ordering these spoons by collecting 5 proofs of purchase
from cerial....
kinda creepy eh?