This thread officially makes my 3,000th post to this massive site called AboveTopSecret. If you are wondering why it has taken me this long to post my
3,000th, it is a long story. To make a long story short, its mostly due to computer problems that I have had over the years and hopefully those
problems are now in the past along with the other 2,999 posts that I have contributed. I still find it hard to believe that I have been here for close
to six years. Even though I have, it surely doesn't feel like it!!!
I can say that I have had a marvelous time here and I will continue to have a wonderful time here. Since this makes post number three thousand for me.
I say that it is time to celebrate!!!!!!!!
I'm gonna keep going until I no longer can or until I get banned nosred. Which ever one of those two that happen to turn up first. As for the
football, I've already got it and it is keeping.
You reached the 3,000 post mark just the same day I reached my 4,000 post mark. Difference is I have only been here for 15 months and you for more
than 6 years.