posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 07:59 PM
I wrote a letter stating the date my child had a physical and that there were no restrictions and had my doctor stamp it. The school already had this
information and had obtained verbal confirmation from my doctor. I then wrote a very well worded letter explaining that I was offering this as a good
will gesture, explained that according to both state law and their own policy I was not required to provide them with anything that they did not
already have. Also, that they already have more documentation on file for more child than most of the other students. I then very diplomatically
hinted at the fact that they must have more important things that need their attention, as I most certainly do
I forwarded this to the Principal,
the Superintendent, and my doctor.
The Board of Education was very interested in this situation as statute has to be followed and they not only were ignoring it, they were attempting to
misconstrue its meaning in order to bully/harass.
The prinicipal could not thank me enough for being so generous.
The Superintendent wrote me a note expressing more of the same.
The doctor phoned me, asking me what, exactly their problem was and told me he was removing all correspondence from the school from our file. He had
never heard of anything so ridiculous.