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9/11 Joe Lieberman – WTC 7 Did Not Occur …. I Do Not Support A New Investigation

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posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 03:32 AM

9/11 Joe Lieberman – WTC 7 Did Not Occur …. I Do Not Support A New Investigation

Joe Lieberman claims that there is no evidence the collapse of Building 7 occurred and that he would not support a new investigation of 9/11.

You really need to watch this video and actually hear the Senator says these words... (skip to the one minute mark to hear someone directly ask him about the WTC7 collapse)


If you feel the dire need to contact this idiot here is his web page Sen. Joseph Lieberman

I don't know how he could even say what he did; blatantly lying on camera about something that 100% happened (footage included in the video, but not needed).

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by highlyoriginal

what a deusche..

how hard would it be to commit a couple hundred thousand dollars (out of all those billions in bailout money) to quell the skepticism of the commission report?

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 03:54 AM
That is excellent, I had just finished watching the pentagon episode of Jesse V's show when i found this thread.
What a moron Lieberman is....

Edit: Star and flag numero uno for you
edit on 19-12-2010 by LittleIndianJr. because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by open_eyeballs
how hard would it be to commit a couple hundred thousand dollars (out of all those billions in bailout money) to quell the skepticism of the commission report?

lol, u gotta be joking right ??
200,000 is not even enough
to get it off the ground.

They spent over $4Million just to find
out about Clinton's affair in the Oval Office.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 04:04 AM
did anybody notice the Jewish Star on the wall
next to the American Flag in that video.
Shown at 1:10 and 2:20

And Lieberman has dual citizenship
Israel and US.

No wonder he does not want a new

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 04:04 AM
The one thing you can count on in government is that corruption is a bipartisan effort. Yay, they can work together to get things accomplished when they want to.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

$4million for that? Well do you really think it took $4million? I think we both know that it didn't.

But I agree with you that it would take much more money than $200k to even began getting enough people involved to participate in a new investigation.

However, I also agree that we have spent way too much money in the wrong places - well I shouldn't say 'we' because 'we' did not choose to spend so much cash in the places they are being used. Unfortunately we have just another president who makes promises, gets elected, and does nothing he says he will.

But let's stay on topic (I don't want this into a presidential hate thread of some sort) - money is needed for a new investigation but then again if we have senators saying that WTC7 never even collapsed and theirs no proof... well no wonder there is no new investigation! They're spending all the money that would be spent on the new investigation on brainwashing technology!

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

There is one right next to his head in the glass too, he must be speaking at a Synagogue? The place that he is speaking at doesn't in itself necessarily equal a conspiracy, but you never know, perhaps it is a clue. It's pretty out in the open if it is. But of course something is up because the building came down.
edit on 19-12-2010 by The_Phantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
did anybody notice the Jewish Star on the wall
next to the American Flag in that video.
Shown at 1:10 and 2:20

And Lieberman has dual citizenship
Israel and US.

No wonder he does not want a new

Good catch - I didn't know he had dual citizenship either so thanks for my lesson of the day!

Makes you wonder, eh?

Originally posted by The_Phantom
reply to post by boondock-saint
There is one right next to his head in the glass too, he must be speaking at a Synagogue? The place that he is speaking at doesn't in itself necessarily equal a conspiracy, but you never know, perhaps it is a clue. It's pretty out in the open if it is. But of course something is up because the building came down.

Yeah it does seem that he is at a Synagogue, but you're also right that it could be a clue to something and is being hidden in plain sight. I mean, the best secrets are, are they not?
edit on 12/19/2010 by highlyoriginal because: Added quote

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