posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 10:32 AM
It always makes me laugh (I can't say in this case as the video was gone before I could see it) when people ask if video's are real when you are
looking at a UFO floating through Paris streets, or Moscow etc etc etc
Take one step back and look at what you are seeing, think about if the sounds are right, if the person is talking, if yes then how do they sound if
not talking then why?
Then look again, where is this UFO, wow in a Paris street yet its not on any news and only Spewtube, when it moves behind things can you see it go in
and out of sight in correlation with the background, do bits go missing when it goes past trees but there's no twigs in the way?
How long does the camera stay on the subject, is the footage just started and stopped before the ufo goes, does the video maker seem to know when the
ufo is going to appear, does the ufo match the camera motion ie if the camera jerks up a little does the ufo follow suit when it should not.
When you look at the UFO does it match the lighting around it, is the sun hitting it at the correct angle?
That's just a tiny list of what to look at to make your own choice, most CG hoaxers are not as clued up as they would like you to think, the famous
Haiti one has polygon tear and repeated clones of trees that were easily spotted. They often fail to match the lighting and they fail to mask the
motion of the craft correctly so bits don't appear as they should because the maker was too lazy to touch up his mask.
I'm just a dabbler in the CG line but I've enough knowledge to look at many and see the issues, the proper cg people on here instantly know an item
is wrong as its their field BUT there are some very very good artists out there like 'the faking hoaxer' who with photoshop and after effects can
make just about anything look real BUT he always just by name alone shows its a creation and not a deliberate hoax.