posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 04:43 PM
I cannot picture Hillary signing on with Kerry. She'll want to run on her own in 2008. Right now, she wouldn't get Dem support, but if Kerry
looses this year, they will be ready to try anything in 2008, including Hillary. Sure, she will bring out a lot of republicans to vote against her,
but if Kerry looses, there will be no incumbent for her to run against in '08. She'll have the most seniority of any politician in the country
then, and name recognition (even negative) is paramount in politics.
Kerry's real problem is chosing between Edwards and Gephardt.
Edwards is more photogenic, and will pull more undecideds. But he can't deliver the South, which is what Kerry needs most from the VP. It won't
bring swing states into the Dem camp. Heck, some people don't think Edwards could even deliver S.C. itself, his home state.
Gephart is kind of a political has-been, but he would bring in the liberal wing, and probably the farm vote, which Kerry also needs, but is too far
away from politically. Gephart would not be as nearly as good as edwards as swinging the undecided.
Gore is not really a possibility, since he's already run for pres and lost. Ted Kennedy might be more of a possibility than you'd think. The best
would be a wavering republican like McCain; Though McCain's value declines seriously once he announces himself as a democrat. Too many liberals
won't trust him, and all the pull he has with reps goes out the windo once he burns his ties to the party.
Bush ought to be thinking about jettisoning Cheney, especially rt. before the Democratic national convention. That would steal a lot of thunder from
Kerry, and produce some spin control on Bush's appearance of being internationally beligerant. Of course, Bush couldn't get Schwarzenegger, but
there are plenty of others . . .like . . . McCain! or maybe Connie Rice!!! That would sure stir the pot!