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Muslims do they have more rights than US and UK Citizens in our own country?

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posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:06 PM
i was just wanting your opinions on this because we cant question anything they do without being a racist

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:18 PM
first thread is it in the right section

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:29 PM
seems or governments are bending over backwards to keep muslims happy....osticising their own people in the process....however i read somehere and i look for the link that the uk government...relys more on a muslims vote than a british one...and now they are trying to make it legal for prisoners to vote.....

ill have a little look for the link....

and just for a heads up cuz i know its your first thread, maybe go into more detail ie why u feel this way, perhaps links to articles u have read on the subject etc....

but ill star and flag u

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:32 PM
thanks for the head up

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:42 PM
Seems that the problem here is our laws aren't designed to work with a religion which finds so many things offensive.

But it's weird because people do things that offend Christian religions all the time. For example, an artist somewhere in the USA took a carving of Christ on the cross, covered it in feces, and called it "art".

Many Christians were "offended", and there was an uproar, but the artist didn't go to jail or pay a fine. The gallery may have pulled his art piece from the show, but nothing "bad" happened.

However, recently in the UK, a girl uploaded a video to Facebook or something of her burning a copy of the Koran, and she was arrested, and I believe is facing fines at least.

The difference going on is that non-Muslim citizens are able to distinguish between their personal dislikes and offenses to their religion.

Muslims seem take every offense as an affront to their religion, not personally dislikes.

We're talking about basic intellectual abilities here.

And that's why the current laws need to be re-written. Basically, these Muslims are abusing the laws that were written for a population of people that had either looser standards or a greater intellectual ability to distinguish between real affronts to their religion and personal dislikes.

So the laws need to be rewritten so as to remove the ability to have their false perceptions of religious offenses trump basic rights of free speech (or yodeling!).

edit on 15-12-2010 by harrytuttle because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:47 PM
I'm offended that Muslims are so easily offended.
I guess the deaths of millions of their fellow believers at the hands of extremists aren't a worthy enough cause.
I suppose the trifles that occur abroad are more pertinent.
It is that very same freedom away from home that allows you be in such a position.
We must have a thick skin to deal with our daily lives, this is nothing new.
For goodness sake, if a group expects everyone to be tolerant of them, they must reciprocate.
These matters should be left to the individuals, not the governing bodies.
edit on 12/15/2010 by reticledc because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:52 PM
I'm also offended that Muslims appear to be so easily offended.

edit on 15-12-2010 by babybunnies because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:58 PM
Of course they do................and any muzzie should/will be offended you asked that question, so they'll probably outlaw you next.......political correctness and entitlments will be the end of us.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 08:21 PM
Personally it sickens me that, we the British are slowly becoming the minority in our own country. Im not racist, just generally worried of what is becoming of this counrty. I dont believe multiculturalism works as people from different cultures and religions find offence in the others.. So, there is a simple solution. If you intend to live in another country or culture then abide by THEIR rules and THEIR beliefs. The french have the right idea...

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by thinker2010

First of all, you ask the question: Muslims - do they have more rights than US and UK Citizens in our own country? Are the Muslims NOT citizens? You speak as though these Muslims aren't citizens of the US and UK... What;s that about?

Do you have any examples where Muslims have more rights than anyone else in the US?

Because my answer to your question is NO. And I speak for the US only. Muslims do not have any more rights than anyone else.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 08:29 AM
Look here how the police is trying their best not to offend them, god forbid:

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

That's right - in the US or the UK almost all citizens have the same rights. I can't think of a law that grants extra (or restricts) rights based on religion or race. Of course, the exceptions to all citizens having the same rights would be the those taken away as a form of punishment for past action - ie like a person with several DUI's may not be able to have a driver's license anymore.

So maybe it really boils down to the question - "Is there a perception that some groups (Muslims in this case) are given special treatment with regard enforcing the laws?"

Which would lead to the question - "Is there a perception that some Muslim's attempt to force their new country to adapt to their norms rather than try to adapt to the culture of their new country - and does the country enable them to do this?"

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by gravitational

There is no context for that video. That happened 2 years ago and the police were escorting them to the Israeli embassy, not running from them.

Originally posted by Frogs
So maybe it really boils down to the question - "Is there a perception that some groups (Muslims in this case) are given special treatment with regard enforcing the laws?"

Oh, the perception definitely exists! Especially in the UK, from what I've read. I can't speak from experience about the UK, though.

Which would lead to the question - "Is there a perception that some Muslim's attempt to force their new country to adapt to their norms rather than try to adapt to the culture of their new country - and does the country enable them to do this?"

Again, definitely, the perception exists. And I'm sure there are SOME Muslims (just like there are some of EVERY group) who want the laws of a country to adapt to THEIR way of life instead of adapting to the existing laws. I admit, I wish I made the laws for this country.
How nice would that be?

Does the country enable them to do this? In the US, no. In the UK? I don't know. Of course there are specific cases where it seems so, but with the anti-Muslim twist on everything, I can't be sure.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by NWOnoworldorder

An Austrian Judge just ruled that "Yodeling is offensive to Muslims". Its all over the net.
That being the case, let the muslims move back to the "rat infested hole" they came from.
"Freedom" for the "free". Sharia law is for "suckers".


posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by scoutsniper

Yeah, it's all over the net, it MUST be true... You should look into it some more. You'll find that the yodeler has been harassing his Muslim neighbors every Friday at prayer time for a year now and the case didn't even go to court because the yodeler agreed to pay a 'fine'.

This is the only English information I can find on it right now.


But look into the links there and use an online translator to translate from German to English and you'll get the REAL story. Or you can continue to spread the lie you choose to believe.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Little "population islands" are not uncommon (at least here in the US) where a religious or cultural group clings to their norms. Examples of this would be "China Town", "Little Italy", the Amish, etc. With these areas the attitude of both sides is often, "You do your thing, we'll do our thing, and we'll just have a truce when we have to interact."

This really isn't a problem usually and these "population islands" are often seen as something to be accepted at worst, celebrated at best, but not something to be feared. Unless they are Muslim "population islands".

Honestly, I can see two main reasons for that. One is fear and suspicion - and it exists to different degrees and for different reasons on both sides. The other is the unwillingness to have that "truce" when the sides interact - again I could cite examples where both sides are guilty of this.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Has it occurred to you that the "yodeler" is "offended every time the muslims go out on their porch and do their version of "call to prayer"? Most countries did not have these problems until the muslims started living there. If you want to "kowtow" to muslims or anyone else, than do it. The rest of us shall stick to "Freedom", Not Sharia law or those posed upon us by the bureaucrats that sold us out. The muslim is a fool and all those that follow after them. Check out what their "prophet"(sic) was really all about. "Pedophilia" is not conducive to any society and neither is the "stupid leading the stupid". "Lonely Are The Brave" That's why the muslim seeks strength in "numbers. "Sheeple" Since when do "We the People" answer to muslims?! "Death is Certain, Life is Not"


posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by Frogs
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

That's right - in the US or the UK almost all citizens have the same rights. I can't think of a law that grants extra (or restricts) rights based on religion or race.

The EMTALA Act in the United States says the +45 million illegal immigrants (foreigners) can get 100% free healthcare from America's Emergency Rooms.

They also are allowed to drive without insurance, no drivers licenses, they are not even forced to learn our language.

Foreigners used to have to serve 3 years honorably in our military and then they could pay the $375 and get US citizenship. President Bush ordered that if they serve 1 day in our military they get 100% free expedited citizenship.

But enough about the illegal immigrants having more rights than Americans. Muslim Americans have more rights than non-Muslim Americans.

They can cite Sharia Law and get away with beating their wives and kids in America.

3HO is a muslim-hindu spinoff Cult with a Fort Complex in Arizona. They've been bribing politicians with money and have been getting Federal contracts to provide Security for Federal/Military facilities.

Since they are muslim they are allowed to have a Fort Complex with heavy firearms/ammunition inside the closed walls. Those white boys at Waco weren't able to have a Fort Complex and were all killed. The muslims are smart enough to buy politicians.

So they get more rights in Amerika.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by scoutsniper
Has it occurred to you that the "yodeler" is "offended every time the muslims go out on their porch and do their version of "call to prayer"?

Then perhaps he should have complained to the authorities like the Muslim family did several times during the year of harassment.

The rest of your post is just pure ignorance. I'm trying to quit, but feel free to indulge.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

By all means, indulge into your own ignorance. Who's stopping you? The man in question did not call the authorities like a "cry baby". The muslims did. Side with your "cry babies". "Only fools back a loser". "Minnesota Fats" "A sucker is born every minute". PT Barnum The answer is "YES" the muslim has more rights because our so called "leadership" (sic) sold us out......"Cheap"! You like them then you live with them. In the event the opportunity presents itself to "leveling" the playing field", (and it shall) the real Americans who have been victimized by the muslim and others, will vent their "Rage" in a fashion never before seen. Until then, this conversation with you (fool) is complete.


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