reply to post by JDBlack
Now that the end times are upon us this is quite the good post as this particular thought has been at the forefront of my mind lately.
Having the luxery of money in the past suffice it to say I was totally prepared, cabin in the woods, 4x4 jeep and suburban, survival van, guns out the
wazoo, every conceivable device and 9 months of MREs...yepper I was set. But 7 years ago is a long time...all that is gone now, everybit except my
collection of shoes/boots.
Now as quakes get daily, and weather is only explained by an earth wobble freezing briton and germany and baking arizona all in the same day, the
evidence is too hard to ignore. I guess I am waiting to see if the indonesia quake hits this year, at which time I will again revisit this question.
In any event, I sense I know the answer.
The answer for me at least is to think and react quickly as events unfold. Anyone residing in the city will find food stuffs difficult, gasoline
difficult and local law enforcement not willing to help many folks in need. The good thing is the jails will be crowded as the LEOs start to arrest
looters and such making much less room for the real violators.
I do not plan to bug out...did that and been there. I do plan to keep my gasoline full, my boxes packed, my flashlights good, and will get my gun
from the first person attempting to do me harm...
However, long before the major catastrophy there will be regional calamities such as rivers, floods, quakes, california breaking up, hoover dam
busting, mississippi widening have all read the scenarios, pick your poison.
So, each location will have unique opportunities for survival...again pick your venim. Long term survival, longer than 12 months is not a certainity
anymore...and therefore I do not concern myself with careers and retirements...all that is a myth.