posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 09:30 PM
David Kelly,University of Colorado,Denver,has released an article which describes how the creation of "security zones" in cities around the country
has led to large,unusable areas along with uneven,restricted access to public areas,services and buildings. The post-911 paranoia has also lead to the
construction of government buildings and other 'high-value' facilities which resembles fortresses. He says that, on one level, this make people feel
safer,but on another, leave them feeling even more freaked out. Toss in all of the added security measures such as CCTV and back-scatter x-ray
machines into the mix,and it seems there is a real (or falsely perceived,depending on how you look at it) need to completely change city planning
strategies to accommodate these new heavy-handed security measures.
Link to article on
I'm a bit out of the loop on all of this as I haven't actually witnessed what this guy's talking about. I find this to be quite alarming however. Just
the idea that the entire strategy behind city planning is, or soon will be, evolving into what could turn out to be the re-designing and re-purposing
of urban centers into massive-scale prisons frightens the crap out of me. Just one more reason for people not to want to come visit or live in the
U.S. down the road.
This sort of evolution of the urban landscape,unfortunately,will happen so slowly that people probably won't even realize the extent to which it's
happening until it's too late to express their displeasure. People seem to be too busy either trying to just survive in the 'new economy' or too
pre-occupied with the latest manufactured, low-brow entertainments to take notice or stop to question what's happening.
What do you guys think?
edit on 14-12-2010 by FlyingJadeDragon because: edit for content