As far as H.I.V.'s presence even being needed in regards to causing A.I.D.S., please consider the following...
Since on average only 0.1% (1 out of 500 to 3000) of T-cells are ever infected by H.I.V. in A.I.D.S. patients, but at least 3% of all T-cells are
regenerated (Sprent, 1977; Guyton, 1987) during the two days it takes a retrovirus to infect a cell (Duesberg, 1989c), H.I.V. could never kill enough
T-cells to cause immunodeficiency. Thus, even if H.I.V. killed every infected T-cell, it could deplete T-cells only at 1/30 of their normal rate of
The odds of H.I.V. causing T-cell deficiency would be the same as those of a bicycle rider catching up to a jet airplane (Duesberg, 1989c).
The latest from Dr. Anthony Fauci & our good friends over at the N.I.H., actually dropped two days before this past Thanksgiving.
This NEW drug "TRUVADA" is not all that new (04), it's listed along with several other H.I.V. drugs and their side-effects in the first two links
below, you may want to take a look at those before tuning in to the
"TONY FAUCI SHOW " in the third link.
The day this dropped I just about had people sending me smoke-signals alerting me to it.
Just listen to Fauci "TalK iT uP" in the below link regarding the the establishments
latest & greatest scam = H.I.V. prevention through the use of a DRUG of yet another toxic drug.
Just click on the third link to watch the "VIDEO", and just listen closely to what Fauci is actually saying here, listen to how he describes the
target group this is aimed at---> Then think about how much sense it actually makes ! -------> IT'S TOTALLY INSANE !
I wonder if this means that Fauci has actually went & sold his stock in "TROJAN" ?
edit on 16-12-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)