The former World Health Organisation�s senior radiation adviser in Europe has accused Governments of deliberately distorting scientific data on the
effects of radiation on humans to avoid paying out huge sums in damages to victims of early nuclear testing, and for the convenience of continued use
of depleted uranium.
Sunday Herald
Dr Keith Baverstock, who was the World Health Organisation�s senior radiation adviser in Europe, says that science has been �perverted for political
ends� by government agencies which should be protecting public health.
�Politics, aided and abetted by some in the scientific community, has poisoned the well which sustains democratic decision-making,� he told a
conference on low-level radiation in Edinburgh yesterday.
Baverstock, now advising the UK government as a member of the Committee on Radioactive Waste Management, delivered a fierce attack on government
scientists. He accused the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) of �misusing� science in their studies of nuclear test veterans.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
So now we have the U.K, amongst others (though who he is referring to when he says 'governments' is unclear) accused of distorting science for
monetary gain, and the U.S recently accused of the same with the element of religion thrown in. We're used in recent history (and the past) to our
politics, and of course, our religions, being distorted by the powers that be for their own use, but now science? This story is just a small part of a
bigger picture. Is this a new beast altogether or have I just missed the signs?
We�ve lately seen governments accused of distorting science in the fields of environment, climate change, health, reproductive health, biomedical
research, childhood lead poisoning, mercury emissions and nuclear weaponry both at home and abroad amongst who knows what else, all for political
Could this be the start of a modern version of the dark ages for science, except this time the all powerful God is money?
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[edit on 4-7-2004 by kegs]
[edit on 4-7-2004 by SkepticOverlord]