posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 10:08 AM
Synephrine, or aspirin was originaly added to the caffeine/ephedrine stack because it had a synergistic effect, .... meaning you could get greater
results with less stimulants.
In my opinion, ... the ECA stack was one of the greatest fat loss tools available to mankind. But was not in itself a means to weight loss, ... it
only amplified ones own metabolism and pathways to fatloss.
you can still buy them online, it's not very hard, ... and its well worth it if you use them responsibily.
They were taken off the shelves because people were abusing them, ... or working themselves out to exhaustion or death. i.e. = wrestlers trying to
cut weight.
They were also dangerous if used incorrectly, ... for instance if you pig out and then take ephedrine to offset the extra calories, ..... what people
dont know is, ... when you do this, ephedrine can accumulate in fat tissue, ... so one far off day, if you take alot of ephedrine and are burning
fat, ... it could result in an unexpected overdose ... stroke/heart attack.