posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 07:12 PM
Some very good ideas listed here. Especially bringing in plants and rearranging the furniture.
You could also create a bubble of charged positive energy and expand it outward, filling the whole building. Push the energy into every closet, nook,
cranny, crack. Don't limit it to just her apartment, do the whole building. Then while the energy is all over everywhere, make a big cup of hot water
and dump in a handful of basil. Plain old dried basil that you use as seasoning works fine. Let that sit while you grab a broom and starting at the
ickiest corner you can find, sweep the floors. sweep everything toward a doorway. Front door or back door or door to the balcony - whichever feels
"right" to you. If her place is cluttered, sweep the pathways or whatever you can.
Now check on your cup of basil water. Charge it with energy if it needs it. Then using a clean cloth or sponge or bath poof or whatever, wipe down the
doorways, window frames, door sills, etc. Including any closet doors.
If necessary, sweep around the doorways one more time, sweeping outward.
The place should be full of happy now.
So on to the two MOST important steps:
Shield the apartment and connect the energy of the shield to the earth or the universe or whatever your belief calls for.
And last, make certain that YOUR energy/life force isn't tied to all that work you just did. If you're tied to it, it can drain you when whatever's
going on tries taking what you created.
For the sake of basic education, If the shielding is done right, you won't be drained even if you accidentally tie yourself to the shield. The cup of
basil water shouldn't need to be charged. But if the place is very, very draining, it might need charging. The charged bubble of energy can be done
first, or after the cleansing. Sweeping is a method of charging a house. A vacuum cleaner does not work nearly as well. Yes. You can sweep carpet.
Washing glass light fixtures does wonders too.