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The NWO doesn’t exist, stop being ignorant.

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posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by kevinunknown

Well thankyou for finally admitting such quotes as these demonsrtrate there is a very real conspiracy for a One World Government.

( I know you will appreciate me putting your words into the context that you must have meant!)

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

Oh yeah I noticed that typo, for the first one I meat to say “this is not a good idea and here is why”. If the only thing you could pick up after me showing they could all have other explanations then I think that shows I have a point.

But thanks for pointing that out, I hate this 4 hour rule.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by kevin unknown

No Kevin , you believe they don't mean a totalitarian one world government . And yes , some of their junior Bilderbergers believe they are doing a really good thing for the world . The core members of the Bilderbergers which are the principal owners of the 12 privately owned Federal Reserve Banks have no disillusionment of what the final goal is . Have you noticed that these principal parties of the world banking system and of the Bilderbergers are Jews . Likewise the National News organizations are dominated by Jews , ACLU and Movie industry . The Bilderbergers are the New World Order movement . It would be hard to get the unedited news concerning the Global push .The NWO is possible if you throw enough money at it .If the world economic system failed people would flock to the NWO economic system . The SDR proves there is a world economic system waiting to be used . I know people like you and they choose to live in la la land where "politicians" are trustworthy people and the good guy always wears white . Kevin you must be getting paid to be a naysayer .

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by kevinunknown
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

Oh yeah I noticed that typo, for the first one I meat to say “this is not a good idea and here is why”. If the only thing you could pick up after me showing they could all have other explanations then I think that shows I have a point.

But thanks for pointing that out, I hate this 4 hour rule.

I wasn't aware that you had made a typo - I suppose my comment must have gone straight over your head which is rather worrying.

I must have missed the part where you 'showed' me that they could have other explanations - the quotes are all quite specific, if you want to claim they are taken out of context (as if that were possible) - then feel free to provide that context.


posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by SimonPeter

I am reading a book just now into Builderberg, as I understand it from my reading they tend to invite about 100-120 of current leaders and rising starts of politics, business and academia to have a discussion in private where nothing is “on the record”. Most of (if not all of) those invited are from Europe and America and some are even anti-one world government such as Thatcher and others are all for it. They change their members every year with the exception of a small steering committee who change less frequently but change all the same all they do is deal with the logistics of the meetings. I have yet to read anything about them all being Jews, most of them are actually Christian. I cannot see any tangible evidence showing that Bilderberg hare secretly controlling the world as a coordinated group of Jew’s rather it is just a international panel for discussion but importantly no decisions are made at Bilderberg.

And no I am not being paid by them to tell you this.

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

If you bothered to read my post you would have picked up quite quickly on the typo and that I give multiple explanations that did not all include “that’s out of context” however you are right they are all out of context. This makes me think you didn’t even bother reading past the first line of my post, so how can you comment.

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 08:15 AM
This topic is something i have to agree and disagree with.

Governments are unable to cover up sexual affairs, or expenses shambles and other occurrences which show these officials as completely incompetent. So the thought that they would be able to put together complex operations, or cover up these operations from the whole world just seems ludacris.

In saying that, i don't deny that they are not involved in under the table dealings, or even some sort of involvement in 9/11 and other conspiracy theories., but i really cannot see how these incompetent officials could stage the whole event without any hard evidence coming into the public domain to prove they initiated the whole attack or whichever event is in question.

As far as i'm concerned, i am sure there are some big wigs out there that want total control, but without any evidence or proof i would have to say there is no NWO, or group of individuals that are actively trying to control us, or take over the world.

I'm an individual, i'm not controlled by a banker, or a politician, or the media.

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by kevinunknown
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

If you bothered to read my post you would have picked up quite quickly on the typo and that I give multiple explanations that did not all include “that’s out of context” however you are right they are all out of context. This makes me think you didn’t even bother reading past the first line of my post, so how can you comment.

Just stating that something is 'out of context' without proof, is not a rebutal - it is denial!

Just saying 'hes allways saying that' - is no sort of rebutal whatsoever.

Just because you misunderstand what Spengler means by Lucifer - doesnt mean that Spengler doesn't mean whathe is sayng.

claiming someone 'could be saying this or that' - is just more denial.

Ignoring the other two quotes because even you cannot possibly claim they meant something else is not a rebuttal either!

That quote is out of context he could very well have been saying I don’t think a one world government is a good idea and here is why.....

David Rockefeller,- he is a long term advocate of a one world government just because he says this is his desire it does not make it a reality

David Spangler-- As soon as people start to bring Satan into these debates they have lost the debate.

This could be a quote influenced by the renowned international relations theorist Alexander Windet

this could be a reference to the soviet threat that’s been taken out of context.

"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas." - Brock Adams, Director UN Health Organization

"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries." David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation." David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

"In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all." Strobe Talbot, President Clinton's Deputy Secretary of State, as quoted in Time, July 20th, l992.

"We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent." Statement by Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member James Warburg to The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17th, l950

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by Skyco

Did you know that the United Nations has under it's jurisdiction most of Americas national treasures . In 1972 the "World Heritage Treaty" gave authority to the UN over 68% of our national forest .
If you were to actually look before you speak you might not agree with your last statement . The NWO has been criticized or promoted by every president since Eisenhower . John Kennedy was the only and last president to really come down on them . The rest fell in line ! You must be to young to remember GHW Bush and his glowing speach on the NWO. You won't find news on MTV or Spunge Bob .

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 03:09 AM

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

I could take that entire argument and turn it on its head.

One thing we can be sure of is that these comments are all out of context, you cannot prove that when put into context they are indeed talking about the reality of a NWO that is secretly controlling the world with an aim to create a totalitarian one world government. So basically you cannot prove that I am wrong, but I can most definitely say these comments are all out of context and as a result cannot be presented as proof that the NWO exists as they have no context.

And yes I do understand that he means Lucifer as “light bringer” rather than the colloquial term for an evil satanic being. However he is still implying a religious paranormal believe that has no foundations in historical fact or accepted scientific believes that this omnipotent focal point for the NWO religious zealots of the conspiracy religion does in fact exist.

You are determined to believe in the NWO not because you know it to be a existing entity but because like a religious man you have faith in its existence. And as such your mind cannot be changed, no matter what I show you, you will always believe the NWO exist and are behind everything. I could take you along to sit at the top of the table in a Builderberg meeting and even if you found absolute proof the NWO does not exist you would still firmly believe that the NWO. Why? Because your religion of conspiracy dictates you must, it also dictates that you must find any information you can no matter how obscure or fallacious that backs up your faith.

To prove the existence of the NWO is just as difficult to prove the existence of God.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 08:34 AM
Why do some of you find it so hard to believe that there exists a global network of Islamic terrorists who deem it appropriate to attack the west? Yet your default believe is that the terrorist network is in fact a network of money bags who have the capability to implement the most impossibly complex operations to frame a terrorist group that doesn’t exist to achieve a objective that you know nothing about yet pretend to understand. Ask yourselves what’s more likely, A. Bad things happen because bad people exist OR B. Bad things happen because a group of evil reptilian aliens have absolute control over everything that happens on this earth and bad things happening helps them out a little bit. The answer should always be A however your medication may lead to some variations and possible a option C

To me its lazy to automatically blame the NWO for something, we don’t actually understand what the NWO is, what they want or if they even exist so would it not therefore make more sense to look at other possibilities other than constantly ranting on about how the NWO is behind everything when really that idea is very silly.

1)We dont beleive that 9/11 was an inside job because we doubt that foreign terrorists might wanna attack us.We beleive it because 9/11 was an inside job & the "terrorists" didn't do this & couldn't have done this.
2)Truthers don't believe in "reptilian aliens".Its a far stretch to say "A)Bad (Muslim) people B)Reptile aliens".What about C)Bad American people.? Cuz that's what we're suggesting. What..Bad Americans don't exist?
3)Its lazy,ignorant & naive to automatically beleive the govt when they blame Osama & the terrorists,in the face of undeniable evidence to the contrary.The laws of physics & probability are against it.The motive for the OV makes no sense.A handful of power elite have made TRILLIONS from the War on Terror that 9/11 caused.Thats a great motive.What's Osama & Al-Qaeda's motive?They hate our freedoms?So a millionaire on the other side of the globe hates the fact that I can eat a pork chop if I wanna so much,he devotes his time,energy & MONEY to training suicide bombers to attack us,knowing it'll guarantee he'll live the rest of his life on the run and'll probably be found,tortured & killed?And not only is he that crazy,he finds 19 other crazy people to actually kill themselves behind his crazy bull#?Get real.

And cut it with the whole "9/11 conspiracies:Just an excuse for American weakness." bull.The truth is,you're the weak one.The truth is YOU KNOW 9/11 was an inside job.You just don't wanna admit it cuz you're scared.You've seen the Shanksville crashsite.YOU KNOW no plane crashed there.YOU KNOW IT.You don't beleive a whole airplane completely vaporized and/or buried itself into the ground.You know better than that.You're grown & can read & write.You know better than beleive everything about 9/11 was just a coincidence (The spike in put options on the Airlines,Larry Silverstein just having leased & insured the WTC,NORAD running drills that mirrored the attack,etc,etc).You know better.You're not a twit.If your wife takes out a million dollar life insurance on your kids in June,than 3 months later,someone breaks into your house & kills them,while your family bodyguards "just happen to" have been given a rare & unprecidented day off by your wife - YOU KNOW what to think.You're not gonna beleive it was a random B & E.Especially after your wife & security staff refuse to release any surveillance footage.YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THAT.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by kevinunknown[/i
Selective reading will do it every time . People selectively read he bible and can't see anything but what they want . You are a naysayer to anything that threatens you . Have some guts ! Face your fears and you have some . What do you think that they meet for . All of those people have to interrupt their schedules to attend the meetings . They are notified at the last few days where and when the meeting will be . This is more than a casual meeting of the snobs .
As for Jews being the principle parties of the movement are you kidding . Ignorance can be practiced about a subject and I think you are ignoring the obvious .
World domination is in their public message .You are still practicing here too!
I can't really believe that you actually believe what you are espousing . I believe that you are lonely and need to take the opposing view so that people will converse with you . This gives you a life !

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 09:05 AM
A preacher - that's all you are to me. The harsher side of you accuse everyone believing in the NWO of also believing in reptilians, the more moderate side of you seems to use an ridiculous amount of time pointing out that we might be wrong. Don't you get it? most of us know that we might be wrong, and are quite open to information. You on the other hand have an omnipotent outlook, and lucky for us you can in a condescending way tell us you KNOW we are wrong.

Rockefeller admitting to have an secret cabal working against the best interest of the US is for me pointing towards the NWO, you saying this is taken out of context is not in any way a real argument, and I really hope you can figure that out.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by kevinunknown

The term "NWO" is nothing but a metaphor for the very real coalescence and centralization of power. It is a convenient catch-all; an idealized objective truth that is not observable as such by any one person - because no single human could hope to observe every tree in the "global forest" at the same time.

The NWO, as such, is conceptualized tautologically by different individual perspectives on the same network of interconnected phenomena and events in the world. For some people it is "big brother" for others it is "free trade" and still others may see it as "corporate socialism" or "environmental degradation."

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Sphota

There is a natural wave that favours the formation of centalised power - just like a phase shift within a rather complex system, or a transition to an emergeant new level of organisation - much like the transitionof a community of free living cells to that of the first multi-cellular creatures - where itmust be noted that the cells lose thier individuality and their freedom and become in effect disposable slaves (serfs) of an entirely new class of being - a 'creature'.

Howerver - this is not the NWO, though this is one of the visions sold to many of the dupes to enlist their services,ie as agents of a sort of higher morality and historic inevitability - a way to end all wars, peace on earth, merge all the races - the proles are too stupid so they need to be tricked - blah blah.

The NWO proper is the bloodline families that have always ruled - and are trying to ride and usurp and direct this wave for their own purposes - they have created many shells and intersecting rings of semi competing agends to enlist the services of huge no's of dupes of various levels of involvement..

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by SimonPeter

Well the book I am talking about is called “the builderberg Conspiracy” so I wouldn’t call it selective reading, there are some interesting points that are raised in this book that do cause me to cast a question over the acts of individual members of the group. However I have not seen any evidence from reading this and other texts that Builderberg members are secretly working on cooperation to create a one world government. Also the attendees of the meetings are given more than “a few days’ notice” which is usually how the location of the event leeks, either that or a member of the hotel staff leek the location

And again I have not seen anything that suggests it’s a group of Jews who control the world. If you were going to pick out one “religious” group that is controlling the world or attempting to achieve a one world government the it would either be the Christians or the Atheists (due to increasing secularisation of society)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by kevinunknown
reply to post by SimonPeter

Well the book I am talking about is called “the builderberg Conspiracy” so I wouldn’t call it selective reading, there are some interesting points that are raised in this book that do cause me to cast a question over the acts of individual members of the group. However I have not seen any evidence from reading this and other texts that Builderberg members are secretly working on cooperation to create a one world government. Also the attendees of the meetings are given more than “a few days’ notice” which is usually how the location of the event leeks, either that or a member of the hotel staff leek the location

And again I have not seen anything that suggests it’s a group of Jews who control the world. If you were going to pick out one “religious” group that is controlling the world or attempting to achieve a one world government the it would either be the Christians or the Atheists (due to increasing secularisation of society)

Your naivety is rather comical Kevin. What do you think causes busy heads of state and industrial titans to travel to a meeting of such nature?

Now the fact that you haven’t seen evidence as to what takes place within a rarified atmosphere where nothing is written and recorded, wow, that’s a real shocker!

Did you imagine you were supposed to have seen some evidence?

Let me give you a clue, the governments are not the most powerful entities. The private individuals who own and control the vital infrastructure that makes urban life possible, and keeps the store shelves stocked, and the show rooms full, and the gas pumps topped off, and make it possible to pick up the phone and communicate with someone, turn the lights on in your house, and log on to your computer and the ATMs spitting out cash are.

The governments only exist to enforce their contracts, ensure their standing, and protect them from the masses of humanity through laws designed to keep everything orderly and secure for them.

Yes these all powerful entities give marching orders to the political elite when they convene at various summits and places.

That’s the whole point of them.

They aren’t getting together to proclaim what they don’t know, they are getting together to decree what they want and need to keep building and controlling that infrastructure and expanding and maintaining their control.

Failure to honor these entities wishes will turn your nation into a Cuba, North Korea, or Iran.

However the truth is that there is a redundancy of systems (governments) that are no longer needed, because the principle owners of the infrastructure and resources in most nations are the same private international investors and owners.

Complete control of the infrastructure not only allows these people to in essence shut down a nation, by disrupting vital goods and services that they control, but further because of the advancements in technology, that allow for much greater monitoring and control, they don’t longer need so many redundant layers of national management to keep the people’s divided and confused and distracted.

There has been a slow march to a One World Government, beginning with the failed League of Nations, then the United Nations, and more recently the European Union.

As a consumer, you are primarily geared towards instant gratification. You have a expectation that what you want can be obtained quickly with the press of a button, the swipe of a card, the perusal of a website, a visit to the outlet store.

The Powers that Be work in the opposite way, they do things in slow methodical increments, one little chip at the stone at a time, so as not to cause alarm by the average person who is normally distracted by the instant gratification of the bread and circuses provided to you, at the push of a button.

What is discussed in meetings of the Council of Foreign Relations, the Bilderberger Meetings, the Bohemian Grove and others are those carefully measured incremental steps that slowly transform your world over time.

Often playing off of crisis like 9-11 or the Oil Embargos of the 70’s, pan-epidemics, natural disasters and man made disasters like recessions and depressions, so that ideally you want what they want you to want.

You just end up being convinced you wanted it for another reason or need, than they actually have for providing it to you.

Common examples are notions of safety and security and convenience, you can now push one more button and get something instantly that you feel you desire.

Problem is Kevin is who is on the other side of that button and why they actually provided the button for you.

That’s what you haven’t figured out yet, and you aren’t likely too, because the truth is you aren’t trying to figure it out.

You imagine you already have it figured out and want to straighten out everyone else; who you are sure is wrong, because you have no evidence that they are right.

Sadly the evidence you aren’t right is all around you.

I am 46, not 21 Kevin and I can tell you the United States of America I live in today, is very little like the United States of America I was born into.

In those 46 years they have managed to in slow increments one little chip at a time, create things and a new reality that had in 1972, they tried to impose it all at once, would have led to mass rebellion and rejection.

They have plans for the future of our world and us by extension Kevin, and they are in the position to carry out those plans, because they do own and control the infrastructure and resources required to make urban life possible.

They are methodical, cautious and careful; they know to take just an inch at a time, and not the proverbial mile.

When they encounter too much resistance or blowback from the population they ease off for a while and wait for a more favorable climate or occurrence to gradually implement more.

You really ought to wake up to the reality of the world you actually live in.

Do yourself a favor, look around at your world today, and the life you have, the liberties, the economic opportunities, the rules of conduct which you must engage yourself, and then look again real hard in 25 years, and you will see what I am talking about easily.

One thing is for sure, I sure don’t see what you are talking about. You have a way of taking clueless to a whole other level.

edit on 10/1/11 by ProtoplasmicTraveler because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 02:19 PM

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edit on 10-1-2011 by illuminatiexposed because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-1-2011 by illuminatiexposed because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-1-2011 by illuminatiexposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by kevin unknown

Kevin you remind of a character in a movie . Forrest Gump . You can't be that blind on purpose . I know your not stupid although I think you can't face the truth . You are no different than a youngster that can't see the danger in anything . Bud look up the Rothschild time line and see Mayor Amschel Rothschild's goals . Look up the owners of the 12 Fed banks . Check out the names of Individuals of the World Bank . Take a look at names on the National News , Movie and TV directors and producers editors ect . Bloomberg, Spielberg ,Goldwin, Feldman, Mayer,Feinstine, Sienfeld . You would have to hide your head to miss that .What else are you missing ?

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