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The night forever etched in my brain.

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posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 12:48 AM
Hello to all, this is my first post and i want to share an experince that only 2 people no of. Me and my mother. I am before any one starts correcting grammer or spelling 15 years old so try to keep this in mind.

This night i am talking about has been stuck in my bed almost every night since, i think about it all the time when lying there in bed, it is also why i know have my bed against a wall and in the basment, so i can face the only enter and exit of my room. This happend to me when i was about 7 years old, a normal night went of to bed lay there and eventually fell asleep, around 3:00 am i woke up looking at one side of my room, but for some reason i had a feeling in my gut that something was in the room with me. I quickly turned my head to the other side an i saw what appeared to be a silouet (sp?) of a human shaped body though it was all white. Everything happend so quickly that i did not make out any details (eyes,nose,mouth) of what ever was standing there i froze for a second and though i saw no details i had the feeling of it just satring at me. The pause felt like a long time but i quickly jumped out of bed screaming and running to my pearents room where i tripped and did not even have the precense of mind to look back i just lay there screaming till my mom came a picked me up and was asking what was wrong.

I told her and my mother is very open minded even though brought up in a christian home where it was strict has many "encounters" with spirits and other unexplainable beings, my dad an iranian muslim does not have the same mind so did not find out.

I have had this feeling of being watched many times at night, and it scares me almost all of the time, that is one reason i sleep with my dog and 2 cats do to the early warning sings animals usually give off. I just wanted to share this and ask other people who have had simialr experinces of why things like this happen and how to deal with it.

There is another thing though, this may very well have been an alien but my mother also suggests the option of a guardian angel do to the non threatening stance it took on me. Any thoughts on this?

Thanks alot.

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 01:21 AM
The reason for this behavious is that your 15. Your ability to organize your thoughts into the paranormal puts me in a state of bewilderment. Note the cutoff age for voting is 18. Wait a few years and the feeling will pass. The media attention the paranormal is getting is incredible, since what people can't have, want. The idea is jealousy and through it, the goal is never achieved.

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by websurfer
The reason for this behavious is that your 15. Your ability to organize your thoughts into the paranormal puts me in a state of bewilderment. Note the cutoff age for voting is 18. Wait a few years and the feeling will pass. The media attention the paranormal is getting is incredible, since what people can't have, want. The idea is jealousy and through it, the goal is never achieved.

I am sorry to sound stupid but i do not know exactly what you are trying to say, are you saying that all this was imagined? I cant except the fact that it was imagined it was to real and to close to me for it to be imagined.

What do you meen by the my ability to organize my thoughts into the paranormal puts you in a state of bewilderment? Im not sure what you meen by this statment.

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 02:08 AM
I think what websurfers trying to say is
that its unusual for a 15 year old to be able
to think such "complicated" thoughts

but im 12 and i think WAY more complicated than

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 06:11 AM
Just to say - its not unusual for a 15yr old to think complicated thoughts. We're not all stupid mid-teens.

I nelieve you believe you saw something, but it was quite possibly either your imgination or your eyes. When I'm lying awake in the middle of the night, the kind of shadows and light areas sometimes appear to form shapes of hads, pople etc., especially if you glance quickly one way and then the other.

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 06:23 AM
Thanks for sharing your experence and welcome to ATS. From what I read about your story it seems more like a ghost our spirit to me than a alien. Though it could be a alien or something eles. Does your house have any history of any haunting like activity?

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 07:11 AM
Maybe it was an alien entity in ghost form, You know what you saw was real or at least real enough to fighten you badly.
Some people talk without understanding.

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 08:04 AM
I have been involved in metaphysics and the 'spirit world' for over 20 years and before that time, even, was quite aware of 'unseen beings' and energies in a room.

My feeling is that what you saw was more than likely an apparition of someone in 'spirit'. I don't think a guardian angel would produce a feeling of fear in you - but someone's energy that was unfamiliar to you, would. Perhaps it was an apparition of someone in your family that was looking in or watching over you that had passed on years before. I've encountered such cases where a grandparent who passed on before a grandchild was ever born, would appear in the child's room where they would be watching over them.

However, I must tell you - that although I am able to communicate with energies/spirits on that level... I have often said if I ever actually 'saw' (in 3D-a spirit standing before me) someone in 'spirit', I would have to be peeled off the ceiling!
So no one could blame you for fleeing from your room and sleeping with your pets.

By the way, there's an author named Allan Kardec who wrote, "The Medium's Book" and "The Spirits Book" and who is quite well known in France and in Brazil - where there is a large Spiritist religion.

Here's a link to a webpage about him and his work:

[edit on 4-7-2004 by Mystic7]

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 08:08 AM
Websurfer, do you think there was a study done to determine at what age a persons memory and recognition skills have developed well enough to be a credible witness. Keep surfing dude!!!

If it is the only experience you can remember , I would say it was a gurdian angel or some other form of angelic being. I really wouldn't worry about it. If it was a negetive energy than you would have had to deal with it by now. So, no worries.

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 08:45 AM
You might wanna chack this thread

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 09:49 AM
It sounds more like a paranormal "ghost/guardian" type encounter then an alien.

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