posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 11:41 AM
Re Jsmappy:
You wrote:
"Except for the fact that Roman Catholocism has nothing to do with Christianity.
It is the whore of Babylon. Any decent amount of research will show that the worship of Lucifer takes place at the Vatican, documented with eyewitness
accounts and artifacts."
They say, that a good laugh prolongs life. So my sincere thanks for some days more.
I'm a non-christian, so my laughter wasn't the type of LOLs (increasingly becoming popular in christian postings to demonstrate, that christians ALSO
have humour against popular stereotyping), it was rather based on the knowledge of a collective of religions (generally called christianity), which
for two thousand years have been excommunicating, heresy-fying and killing each other (and by the way, many others too, now that they were at it
Now I don't know, if YOU are one of the interminable 'true' christians, and the correct answer to 'how many angels dance on a pin' 'proves' your
denomination true in that case, but it must be pointed out, that some lutheran (or whatever) clerical authority did muster an initial defense for the
catholic perverts.
PS Lucifer is the 'light-bringer'. Does that mean, that you as his/her opponent are a 'dark-bringer'?
edit on 10-12-2010 by bogomil because: missing word