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The other shoe is about to drop-The days of freedom of expression are about to end

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posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by dillweed

They will do nothing because it is part of the intel apparatus...they close down sites they will be flying blind.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 06:20 AM
Well into December now and the predictions still look a bit overheated. There's even been the best economic situation in decades for a truly massive meltdown, and yet the internment camps remain stubbornly closed, you can still drive your car and shoot your gun (the mystifying stuff that Americans seem to equate with freedom) and apparently there's even going to be an election next year.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by dillweed

You are on the right track. How ever i do not think that they care in general any more what most of the public thinks about or talks about to each other. Their arrogance is legion. Dont get me wrong, they are still paranoid, they know what they are doing is wrong. No matter how secure they feel they will always be worried even about their own bootlickers might take a shot at the title. These corporate felons and political terrorists work together to plunder America in a number of inguiness but vile ways. As far as Wiki Leaks goes. All he has done is embarass the malevolent powers that be. If he realy had damaging info, you cn bet that he would simply have vanished, along with any they thought were in the know. There is not one deed vile enough, not one act of treachery or betrayal that they have not plotted to do or have already done.

The trouble with many is, that they just can not imagine thier own government doing such things. Even when the proof is undeniable. These ruling monsters convince you that giving up your right to expression is a good thinh and will (protect your freedoms) Here is a good one I have heard several times. i was told by several with a knowing look ion their eyes that the reason we are attacked by (terrorists) is that they are jealouse of our freedoms! Can you imagine! No, they did no think of this by themselfs, they are simply parroting what is being told to them via mass media. nThe actualy think its true. i have said to you ever think they might be very pissed off because of something WE might have done to them? And perhaps have ben doing for along time?

I get a blacnk look and sometimes are called unamerican. Faced with this much dumbing down of the public and the ever shrinking objectors that voice thier concern and critiziz. We in general are of little threat and even less importance. We know nothing damaging that would snap the ignorant public out of the loathsome spew of lies that they have ben swallowing for decades. No amount of proof will ever convince these that think being a patriat means running around waving a flag and shouting (we support our troops).

We are everything that our government points fingers at others..sayiing..LOOK..they are international arms dealers..merchants of death! Well who do you think sells more arms than any other country? We say..LOOK.. they are selling drugs by the ton! Who is the biggest drug dealers on the planet? We are! Look,..they are all warmongers and are killing and butchering with impunity. Well, who is the only nation that can wage war on your doorstep any placce in the world? Every where the west meddels in death, warfare and poverty soon follow. I am a navy veteran..NMCB 3 i have ben out a very long time. in the early sixties and seventies the crie was (we must protect the world from communism) I was all gung hoe, until much later when i realized i was only fighting for corporate America.

One thing is true right now, if you use too many key words, like talking about bomb making materials or certain weapons. if you do this, you may find a visit may be payed to you by the newest NAZI branch of the government..homeland security. The thing is, before the visit they already know what kind of threat you are. They just use this to terrorize american citizens. By the many terrorists have they arrested here in america? It some times takes decades to acheive their agenda, that control. Take smokingm it took thirty years to convince most that you are basicaly close to a criminal with no reguard fo the health of others, forget about the factthat America was founded on tobacco, the first cash crop on jamestown colony. Now they even have most convinced that it is a good idea to give your child dangerouse and suicidal side effects drugs by labeling him ADD. if you object you are abled (a bad parent) and just might find your self visited by child wellfare and your children seized from you until they know you have seen the light.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by The GUT

The trouble with ( participating) or voting is that as long as corporate America is pulling the strings they will never allow a free thinking man that does not have the best interest of corporate America first and foremost. It matters little, republican, demo, what ever, you are correct about that. Everyone alaways thinks, this time it will be better, this time for sure, it cant be as bad as the last time. Since politicians one way or another serve corporate America and their own self interests, that means the rest of what they pay is lip service! to the public. Sometimes they even find it profitable to throw one of thier own to the wolves to look like they are concerned about what they most definetly have no concern about what so ever that being..managing our prosperity, not taking it away and making lawas that will take it from you even easier. This is nothing more than racketeering and extortion made legal. in a further twist they even manage to convince most that this..what ever they are doing to you, is for your own good. Believe us we know whats best for you!

They do have one fear i beleive..that is a logistical horrifing nightmare for them. How do you control over 200 million adults? How do you contionualy BS that many people with out one day commiting a huge blunder that would make say ten million rampage and revolt? Even this number is far beyone the combined resources both millitarily and public law enforcement to even begin to control. In the not too distant past those that practiced these things were dragged forth out of their palaces by the infuriated mob their houses burned and the ex- rulers hung impaled or behaded to say a few. This seems to be the only thing that works. The ultimate irony is that soon enough those that were oprsessed and plundered soon become just like the ones they deposed, and it starts all over again.

Their is no solution but ruin. Things will always come apart as a few try to strip the masses of as much prosperity as possible. When a person realizes thay have nothing else to loose but thier life because their prosperity has ben stripped completly, then they will fight, many will fight for far lesss...( a good thing) but then many will fight and not care if the die in the attempt rather to live in impotant fury with nothing but raggs to wear. In the real world gross incompetence is punisjed with dismissal and forfeture of retirement..and no more cash and prizes. In the political reans it is rewarded with a grossly inflated salery along with numerouse perks and bloated retire ment.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by bezerker
They fear 'us'. Just as you say, even one million 'angry' people would overwhelm anything curently in place. I cannot allow myself to look at the future as dark as you paint it, either because I'm naieve or stubborn. In my dream, RP wins by a landslide because he was able to reach the american voter, and explain what he would do and why he would do it, if elected. He'll never get that chance by the msm, that's why the internet is so dangerous, perhaps their only 'weak spot'.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by bezerker
reply to post by dillweed

You are on the right track.

Demonstrably and obviously not, I'd say.

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